Mrs. Samina Anwar Grade 9 April March 2012
BIOLOGY (BOOK -I) Chapter 1: Introduction to Biology Chapter 2: Structural Organization of Life Chapter 3: Classification of Living Organism Chapter 4: Viruses, Bacteria and Cyanobacteria Chapter 5: Fungi and Algae Chapter 6: Bryophytes and Tracheophytes Chapter 7: Invertebrata Chapter 8: Chordata and Vertebrata Chapter 9: Food and Nutrition Chapter 10: Respiration
BIOLOGY (BOOK -II) Chapter 11: Transport in Organisms Chapter 12: Excretion Chapter 13: Support and Movement Chapter 14: Response and Co-ordination Chapter 15: Reproduction Chapter 16: Genes and Inheritance Chapter 17: Evolution Chapter 18: Environmental Biology Chapter 19: Man and Biology
GENERAL SCIENCE Chapter 1: Introduction and Role Of Science Chapter 2: Our Life and Chemistry Chapter 3: Biochemistry and Biotechnology Chapter 4: Man and Health Chapter 5: Disease Causes and Prevention Chapter 6: Environment and Natural Resources Chapter 7: Energy Chapter 8: Current Electricity Chapter 9: Basic Electronics Chapter 10: Science and Technology Chapter 11 : The Space and Nuclear Programme of Pakistan
CONCLUSION Apart from the above syllabus the students will perform Biology practicals in the laboratory The students will be given important and interesting material to study and learn I look forward to teach the ninth graders in the year ahead