Mental Health Click to Begin
Good mental health is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. Have you ever heard the phrase – “You can make yourself sick”? Or “See it and be it!”? Our mind is a very powerful tool. And this is key, the mind is a TOOL. Like many tools, it can have negative or positive influences. Click to continue
Depression Everybody gets sad sometimes. You feel like your parents or your friends hate you and you want to stay up in your room and get away from them all. That can happen to anyone. However, the feelings usually pass in a few hours or a few days. Pretty soon, you are back to your usual self. Click to continue
Occasionally, some kids get bad feelings that do not go away. The sad or angry feelings go on for weeks or months. He or she may lose interest in friends and school. It can affect appetite. Even the one’s very favorite food seems unappealing. Click to continue
Depression is a treatable illness. Depression is a treatable illness. There are nine classic symptoms that a doctor looks for when considering a diagnosis of depression. There are nine classic symptoms that a doctor looks for when considering a diagnosis of depression. Click to continue
1.) Depressed mood for most of the day 2.) Disturbed appetite or change in weight Disturbed sleep 3.) Disturbed sleep Psychomotor retardation or 4.) Psychomotor retardation oragitation Loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities; inability to enjoy usual hobbies or activities 5.) Loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities; inability to enjoy usual hobbies or activities Fatigue or loss of energy 6.) Fatigue or loss of energy Feelings of worthlessness; 7.) Feelings of worthlessness; excessive and/or inappropriate guilt Difficulty concentrating 8.) Difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly Morbid or suicidal thoughts 9.) Morbid or suicidal thoughts or actions Click to continue
If you know anyone who displays these symptoms, be sure to tell a parent or adult. This person needs help! Click to continue
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