Cargo Compartment Minimum Performance Standards for Gaseous Total Flood Agents FAA Technical Center Fire Safety Section, AAR-422 John Reinhardt Website: Final report documenting the MPS and the results of Halon 1301 testing on the four required fire scenarios is in final review within the FAA and will be published shortly.
Cargo Compartment = 2000 ft 3 Leak Rate = 50 CFM Fire Load = 178 card board boxes (30% of Vol.) containing 2.5 lbs of shredded paper Instrumentation = Type K Thermocouple, Gas Analyzer Ignition = Nichrome wire wrapped around folded paper towels System Activation = 1 min. after one of the ceiling T/C reaches 200 o F Test Duration = Five 30 minutes each. Bulk Load Scenario
Cargo Compartment = 2000 ft 3 Leak Rate = 50 CFM Fire Load = 33 card board boxes inside an LD3. Three LD3 in Cargo Instrumentation = Type K Thermocouple, Gas Analyzer Ignition = Nichrome wire wrapped around folded paper towels System Activation = 1 min. after one of the ceiling T/C reaches 200 o F Test Duration = Five 30 minutes each. Containerized Load Fire Scenario
Cargo Compartment = 2000 ft 3 Leak Rate = 50 CFM Fire Load = 0.5 U.S. Gallon of Jet A fuel (with 13 oz of gasoline) Instrumentation = Type K Thermocouple, Gas Analyzer Ignition = Arc created by sparking electrodes System Activation = 1 min. after one of the ceiling T/C reaches 200 o F. Test Duration = 5 minutes Surface Burning Fire Scenario
Cargo Compartment = 2000 ft 3 Leak Rate = 50 CFM Fire Load = 0.2 lb. Propane, 0.6 lb. of Denatured Alcohol, 0.2 lb of water Instrumentation = Type K Thermocouple, Gas Analyzer Ignition = Arc created by sparking electrodes Simulator Activation = When the agent, at 2 feet from the floor, is at the minimum vol. design concentration Test Duration = 15 seconds after the activation of the simulator Exploding Aerosol Can Fire Scenario
Bulk Load and Containerized Tests
Surface Burning Fire
Acceptance Criteria for Gaseous Agents
Non-gaseous agents or systems Bulk load, containerized load and surface burning fire scenarios are identical to the requirements for gaseous agents. Water mist testing by FAA and FIREDASS using various systems has shown significantly lower ceiling temperatures than those achieved using Halon Additional FAA water mist testing is planned to determine the ability of the system to prevent the rupture and ignition of actual aerosol cans. Imposing the aerosol can scenario on a water mist system will eliminate the possibility of certifying that type of system to the MPS.
Future Activities Complete MPS testing with 8 Yulian acoustic water mist nozzles. Conduct aerosol can testing. May Conduct all required MPS testing using FE-25 (HFC125) agent. June Finalize and publish MPS requirements for non-gaseous agents or systems.