Objective of Testing: Establish Similar Calibration Procedure Produce Similar Exposure From Burner Achieve Similar Test Results
Factors That Can Influence Calibration Air Intake Velocity Air Intake Temperature Fuel Flowrate Fuel Temperature Instrumentation (type/size of thermocouple, calorimeter type) Other Adjustments (position of igniters, static disc, tabs) Fuel Type (Jet A, Diesel, Fuel Oil) Environmental Conditions (relative humidity, barometric pressure)
Individual Calibration Rigs
Protective Heat Shield for Burner Components
Conditioned Intake Air
Intake Airbox
Intake Airbox Mounted to Burner
Fuel Temperature
Intake Airbox Holding Air Velocity Meter
Measurement of Intake Air and Fuel Temperature
Temperature Rake Using 1/8” Closed Bead Thermocouples
Factory Mounted Static Disc
Static Disc Mounted to Igniter Assembly
Temperature Profile Bias
Use of Deflection Tabs at Draft Tube End
Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 6:00 Average Temp = 1912 o F Result: Low on ends, too hot in middle Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 6:00 Average Temp = 1927 o F Result: Too hot in middle Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 6:00 Average Temp = 1890 o F Result: Low on ends, too hot in middle Effect of Tab Positioning on Temperature
Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 6:00 Average Temp = 1957 o F Result: Low on ends, too hot in middle Air Velocity = 1900 ft/min 6:00 Average Temp = 1951 o F Result: Low on ends, too hot in middle Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1860 o F Result: All temperatures in range Effect of Tab Positioning on Temperature
Location of Flame Enhancement Tab
Air Velocity = 1900 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1846 o F Result: All temperatures in range Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1860 o F Result: All temperatures in range Air Velocity = 2100 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1882 o F Result: All temperatures in range Air Velocity = 2200 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1896 o F Result: All temperatures in range Day 1 Temperature Various Air Velocity Settings
Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1826 o F Result: All temperatures in range Air Velocity = 2100 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1832 o F Result: All temperatures in range Air Velocity = 2200 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1864 o F Result: All temperatures in range Day 2 Temperature Various Air Velocity Settings
Air Velocity = 1900 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1863 o F Result: All temperatures in range Air Velocity = 2000 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1887 o F Result: All temperatures in range Air Velocity = 2100 ft/min 9:00 Average Temp = 1913 o F Result: Middle temperatures slightly high Day 3 Temperature Various Air Velocity Settings
Day 1 Heat Flux Various Air Velocity Settings Date: 11/17/99
Day 2 Heat Flux Various Air Velocity Settings Date: 11/18/99
Day 3 Heat Flux Various Air Velocity Settings Date: 11/19/99
Date: 11/23/99
Date: 11/24/99
Latest Calibration Procedure Temperature: (1850 o F +/- 100 o F) Adjust Fuel Flowrate to 6.0 gal/hr Adjust Burner Intake Air Velocity to 2200 ft/min Heat Flux: (15.2 Btu/ft 2 sec +/- 0.8 Btu/ft 2 sec) After 2-minute warm-up, swing burner into position, allow 1 minute stabilization, take reading for 30 seconds (once per second) and average, swing burner away from flame After 2-minute warm-up, swing burner into position, allow 1 minute stabilization, take reading for 30 seconds (once per second) and average, swing burner away from flame
Calibration Tests Using Aluminum Skin
Round Robin Burnthrough Testing Material Selection Quick-Failing Material (< 1 minute) Long Duration Passing Material (> 5 minutes) 1-2 Minute Material Combination 2-3 Minute Material Combination
Round Robin Burnthrough Testing Purpose To identify problems encountered during calibration of test equipment to ensure similarity between labs To prove similarity of test equipment through testing of identical samples Cataloguing Method for Identifying Materials Ins Thickness (in) - Ins Density (lb/ft 3 ) - Ins Type - Add Barrier - Film - Weight Class (Thickness) 60= = =0.34 FG=Fiberglass OPF=Oxidized Polyacrylonitrile Fiber PAN=Polyacrylonitrile Fiber RPI=Rigid Polyimide Foam NEX=Nextel Ceramic Paper FOP=Felted OPF NQZ=Needled Quartz CFS=Carbon Fiber Skrim PET1=class 1 polyethylene terepthalate PVF2=class 2 polyvinyl fluoride PI=polyimide FC=fluoropolymer composite Example: 2-42-FG-NEX-PET-1
Burnthrough Round Robin Test Results (Imaginary)
Burnthrough Test Method Round Robin Task Group Test Facilities Material Suppliers FAATC - Tim Marker CEAT - Anne Mansuet Darchem Flare - Darren Dodd CTA - Anna Villate Boeing - Hank Lutz Daimler Chrysler - Bernd Menken Johns Manville - Becky Wulliman 3M - Tom Tompkins Mexmil - Dave Indyke Accufleet - Jim Davis Akro Fireguard - George Danker International Aero - John Brooks No Fire - Sam Gottfried Orcon - Sherm Smith 3M - Tom Tompkins Johns Manville - Becky Wulliman Mexmil - Dave Indyke Osaka Gas - Yo Ishikawa Inspec Foams - Dan Trahan Schneller - Dale Onderak Facile - Paul Harencak Lamart - Dave Shields Jeheir - Jacques Maillard