ACE the ACT YAY! =)
Is the ACT important? It’s extremely important. Your score affects GNHS as a whole- our scores are compared to other schools’ scores Scores are reflective (if you agree with it or not) on which college(s) you will get into and possibly attend Although you will not be taking the “real” ACT until next year, beginning early and being comfortable with the format and test itself will only make your score better!
HS and ACT High schools use ACT results in academic advising and counseling. They also use ACT results in: evaluating the effectiveness of instruction identifying students who need assistance with certain subject areas or academic skills planning changes and improvements in the curriculum
Colleges and ACT Admissions into the college itself Course placement once in the college Loans and scholarships You can also opt to take an ACT writing portion which colleges will take into consideration
Colleges and ACT It may seem super early for you to even think about college, but, in reality, now is a perfect time to become prepared. Some of you may have colleges in mind and others may not, but please do not underestimate the importance of college…
College Importance #1 Every bit of education you get after high school increases the chances you'll earn good pay. Most college graduates earn more money during their working years than people who stop their education at high school earn.
College Importance #2 The more education you get the more likely it is you will always have a job. According to one estimate, by the year 2028 there will be 19 million more jobs for educated workers than there are qualified people to fill them.
College Importance #3 Continuing education after high school is much more important for your generation than it was for your parents' generation. Today most good jobs require more than a high school diploma. Businesses want to hire people who know how to think and solve problems.
College Importance #4 Education beyond high school gives you a lot of other benefits, including meeting new people, taking part in new opportunities to explore your interests, and experiencing success.
Getting into college… There are many aspects that affect your admissions into the college you want to get into… ACT score High school classes and grades (also, in comparison to other HS in our area) Extracurricular activities College is expensive AND important: do not underestimate the importance and availability of loans and scholarships –check this out DAILY
So, is English really THAT important!? UGH I hate reading and writing…
Why English proficiency is so important!! Sounding educated is a GOOD THING: speaking and writing correctly and clearly will help you throughout your entire life If you can adequately vocalize and write your thoughts and opinions in a mature and proficient way, you will be taken more seriously throughout school, work place, etc. Reading comprehension allows us to reflect, similar to how we reflect on life and personal situations.
Why English proficiency is so important!! Because English emphasizes reading and writing, your vocabulary and grasp of English grammar will improve if you take English class seriously. The more words you have at your fingertips, and the more comfortable you are using them accurately in sentences, the easier it will be for you to communicate with others. Learning to analyze literature effectively not only teaches you how to better enjoy books, music and film, but also how to better understand the causes and effects taking place in your family, neighborhood and the world around you.
You’re better than this…
CLIP #1: BUSH Importance of correct words/subject and verb agreement
CLIP #2: JESSICA SIMPSON *importance of critical thinking skills and being able to read things “correctly”:
CLIP #3: ricans-bad-grammar-costly/6izuc9e
Question #1: correct wording Often, my brother and I, joined our mother on her adventures into tidal lands. F.NO CHANGE, and I,, and I and I
#2: apostrophes The moon is closer to the earth when full, so its gravitational pull is stronger. A.NO CHANGE B.ONE’S C.IT’S D.ITS’
#3:puntuation My father was an avid gardener, he still is: and every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes. A. NO CHANGE B. Gardner-he still is- C. gardener, he still is- D. Gardener and he still is
#4: agreement and puntuation Every Saturday morning he would put on his work clothes, pick up his shovel and trowel, and would head out the back door. A. NO CHANGE B. Picked up his shovel and trowel, and headed C. Pick up his shovel and trowel, and head D. Picking up his shovel and trowel, and heading
#5: Agreement To me, it was much more fun to reap than sowing. A. NO CHANGE B. the most fun to reap than to sow. C. much more fun to reap than to sow. D. the most fun reaping than if I’d have to sow.