Territorial Integrity
Population 1.3 billion people in an area of 9,596,960 sq km. Ethnic diversity – Han Chinese are the majority ethnic group. 3 areas that are challenging the autonomy of Beijing; – Taiwan – Tibet – Uighur
Tibet Uighur Taiwan
‘One China’ Chinese territory can’t be divided into two Chinas or one China and one Taiwan. ‘One country, two systems’ with Taiwan is possible.
Power and Territorial Integrity How does China use power to achieve territorial integrity?
Terminology ROC: Republic of China = Taiwan
‘One China’ The policy advocated by the PRC that the government in Beijing is the sole legitimate government of China. How does this relate to – Taiwan? – Tibet? – Xinjiang? China is a concept… not a nation?
History of Taiwan Prior to WWII Chinese Nationalists (KMT) and Communists (CCP) were engaged in civil war. Japanese invaded in 1937 and made significant territorial gains. KMT and CCP stopped fighting each other and turned to fighting the Japanese. WWII occurs: US supports China. Civil War resumes after WWII
History of Taiwan CCP forces KMT to retreat to Formosa (Taiwan). KMT (Chiang Kai-shek) establishes government in Formosa (Taiwan). US shields Taiwan from Chinese aggression, because of Cold War politics. China / US exist in stalemate; China doesn’t attack as long as US doesn’t recognise Taiwan.
China’s National Interest How does this relate to China’s National Interest?
Article analysis “From troublemaker to peacemaker” – What are the main points of this article? – Do a SWOT analysis for Taiwan’s position in the Asia-Pacific. StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats
US Involvement dLE&feature=related dLE&feature=related
Two agreements… 1978 Normalisation Agreement 1979 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA)
Hot Flashes These are good illustrations of the different methods of resolution that Beijing pursues alongside other long-term policies.
Hot Flashes Taiwan-China missile crisis Taiwanese presidential election EP-3 crisis APEC and WTO crisis Taiwanese referenda and presidential elections Events of Taiwan scraps the National Unification Council Events of 2008