AP English IV Periods 2-4 September 14, 2010
Student Expectations ELAR 12.26; ELPS 3G; CCRS ELA III B2, IV B3 ELAR 12.26; ELPS 3G; CCRS ELA III B2, IV B3 Students will participate productively in teams offering ideas or judgments that are purposeful in moving the team towards goals, asking relevant and insightful questions…. Students will participate productively in teams offering ideas or judgments that are purposeful in moving the team towards goals, asking relevant and insightful questions….
Todays Objective Obj: Students will learn the criteria for the gist as taught in disciplinary literacy. Students will practice writing the gist for various chapters in the novel The Poisonwood Bible. Obj: Students will learn the criteria for the gist as taught in disciplinary literacy. Students will practice writing the gist for various chapters in the novel The Poisonwood Bible.
Agenda 1. Bellringer: Write the gist of Orleanna Price. Answer the following questions: 1. Bellringer: Write the gist of Orleanna Price. Answer the following questions: A. What is happening here? A. What is happening here? B. Who are the characters? B. Who are the characters? C. What do you know about the characters? C. What do you know about the characters? D. How do you know? D. How do you know? 2. Cornell notes on the gist 3. Turn talk: Choose a partner and share with your partner what you have written as the gist. 4. Binder check 5. Homework: Discussion Questions
What is the Gist? Cornell Notes A. What is happening here? A. What is happening here? B. Who are the characters? B. Who are the characters? C. What do you know about them? C. What do you know about them? D. How do you know? D. How do you know? A. Orleanna Price reflects on her life and how she has gotten to this point. B. The characters are the Price family. C. She has four girls. 1.She is married to Nathan who is a strict preacher. 2. She walks around in shorts which makes her different. The rest of the people are covered in long garments. 3. She has twin daughters. One of them can only use one part of her brain. D. Orleanna gives her perspective on their life in the Congo. Orleanna Price reflects on her life and how she has gotten to this point. She recognizes the struggle she has staying with her family through all of the chaos instead of running away when she gets the chance. Orleanna Price reflects on her life and how she has gotten to this point. She recognizes the struggle she has staying with her family through all of the chaos instead of running away when she gets the chance.
Turn talk Directions: Choose a partner and share what you have written as the gist. Did your partner write something similar or different? What could be added? Directions: Choose a partner and share what you have written as the gist. Did your partner write something similar or different? What could be added?
What is the gist? Cornell Notes What is happening here? What is happening here? Who are the characters? Who are the characters? What do you know about them? What do you know about them? How do you know? How do you know? She is writing a journal about living in the Congo. She is writing a journal about living in the Congo. She describes her daughters (Rachel, Ruth May, Adah, Leah). She also describes Nathan, her husband. She describes her daughters (Rachel, Ruth May, Adah, Leah). She also describes Nathan, her husband. She is pretending to be happy. She is pretending to be happy. 1. She did not want to go to the Congo. 2. She put up with life in the Congo for her husband. 3. She held the family together. 4. She is trying to keep her western lifestyle in an eastern culture. 5. She is trying to stay sane. 6. She looks for peace through nature. 7.She feels alone. You know this information from the text, the setting. You know this information from the text, the setting. Gist:Orleanna Price is the mother of 4 girls. She and her family recently moved from the States to Africa on a missionary trip to spread the word of God. She is the wife of Nathan Price, a Baptist preacher. She has an easy- going personality in which she is able to adapt to various environments. She is a people- pleaser. ? Gist:Orleanna Price is the mother of 4 girls. She and her family recently moved from the States to Africa on a missionary trip to spread the word of God. She is the wife of Nathan Price, a Baptist preacher. She has an easy- going personality in which she is able to adapt to various environments. She is a people- pleaser. ?