does your community know your college’s value?
colleges drain public resources colleges are just like any other business colleges only provide education common myths 1 2 3
increase community awareness recruit students demonstrate accountability raise taxpayer support why do an impact study?
your college expands the economy college operations increases regional sales creates jobs fulfils workforce needs student spending worker productivity tell your story
your college is a good public investment social perspective fulfils workforce needs taxpayer perspective student perspective improves quality of life returns value for money enhances earning potential
proven experience in-depth analysis cutting-edge methodology great results why choose EMSI?
restored $14m in state funding cuts to technical colleges the results
earned governor’s commendation and initiated $1.3b community redevelopment effort the results
used SEIM in a public awareness campaign to pass a $498m bond measure
the results 15.1% student ROI 15.9% taxpayer ROI $123.2 billion contribution to national income $215.1 million aggregate social savings
main report executive summary 1-page summaries taxpayer perspective PowerPoint presentation SEIM products
colleges put more into the Treasury than they take out colleges’ impact goes beyond payroll college services go further than the education they provide the facts 1 2 3
Q&A ? Andrew Crapuchettes, CEO