By Hannah Deshotels
There are more than 900 types of bats. My favorite bat is the little brown bat.
Bats sleep during the day instead of at night. They hang upside down from their feet.
Some bats can have a wingspan up to 6 feet.
Bats can live up to 30 years.
Bats hibernate during the winter. Their body temperature drops and their heartbeat and breathing slows down. It lives off the fat of its body.
Some bats feed on harmful insects while others pollinate flowers as they fly from flower to flower. Seeds dropped by fruit bats may sprout into plants. Other bats eat fruit, fish, and even other bats.
Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
Bats can live up to 30 years.
Some bats can travel up to 4 miles an hour.
Bats prefers somewhere quiet, not drafty and free from cobwebs.
Thank all of you guys for watching my PowerPoint and thanks to my teacher Mrs. Covington for teaching me all about bats. I hope you enjoyed my powerpoint about bats. Have a good day.