TOWARDS THE DIGITAL CITY IN eTHEKWINI: An overview of debates and issues Nancy Odendaal School of Architecture, Planning and Housing University of KwaZulu-Natal
SPATIAL LIMITATIONS Centralization of Metropolitan Government Location of Citizens in relation to Municipal offices Ward system ICT as information and inter-active decision-making tool
CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE Cooperative approach to service delivery Continuous flows of information and knowledge sharing required Examples: IDP Nerve Centre and DIMS ICT as coordination and information dissemination tool
NPM AND DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE The relationship between e- governance and Managerialism ICT and organisational cultures Emphasis on economic growth and service efficiency Digital Divide ICT and institutional / policy imperatives
UNDERSTANDING INFORMAL NETWORKS AND PROCESSES The relationship between the “space of flows” and “space of places” Grassrooting the space of flows Value added by ICT (Castells, 2000) Smart Communities Local Government as facilitator of the “Digital City”
EMPOWERMENT AND ACCESS Socio-cultural responses to Digital Technology Spatial constraints to ICT access “Splintering Urbanism” (Graham and Marvin, 2001) Universal Access Sustainability and backbone support
ICT INITIATIVES ICT initiatives at various levels, with multiple aims Developmental aspects not always clearly stated, but expected Mostly focused on administration, yet empowering potential realized Digital Divide at local level Influence of Managerialism
eThekwini ICT Policy ADMINISTRATION Connectivity amongst Municipal Offices Enterprise-wide GIS Internal Coordination Efficiency Communication Holistic approach Community connectivity Skills development Intranet GOVERNANCE Infrastructure Included the excluded: SMME development City-city networks Other govt. agencies? Emphasis on LED SMME development Web site Empowerment of small firms Smart Xchange E-community strategy ICT-CITIES- GOVERNANCE SPATIAL COOP. GOVT. ICT & NPM NETWORKS ACCESS
CONCLUSION Holistic framework Integration Organisational difficulties Central driver Socio-community aspects to be considered more carefully Digital city v.s. Smart Communities?