INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION The Festive Season Management Strategy ensures a multidisciplinary, integrated and co-ordinated approach managing the holiday season for the Central, Northern and Southern Areas
AIM OF THE STRATEGY IS TO ENSURE INTEGRATED AND CO-ORDINATED MANAGEMENT By establishing a Safe, Secure and Clean Environment for all Residents and Tourists. By realising the Aims and Objectives of participating Units, Departments and Agencies. By providing Professional and Cost Effective Service.
BLUE FLAG CAMPAIGN Blue Flag Campaign International Recognised Accreditation Four Beaches have been accredited Pilot Blue Flag Status when the eThekwini Municipality re-joined the Campaign Accredited Beaches available for 12 months of the year Umdhloti Main Beach Umdhloti Tidal Pool Ushaka Beach Umgababa Beach
FESMAC STRATEGY :PROCESS Phase 1: Pre Planning Briefing and Planning Meetings Preparation and Finalisation of Management Plans: Festive Period 2013/2014 Phase 2: During the December/January Holiday Period Ensure smooth running of operations ( in terms of Operational Plans) Phase 3: Post-Event SWOT Analysis. Planning Future Operations to ensure continues improvement.
FESMAC STRATEGY :UNITS /DEPARTMENTS The following participating Units/Departments and Agencies have been working together managing the holiday season and is familiar with the process: Metro Police Metro Fire and Disaster Management EThekwini Transport Authority I-Trump Communications Department City Health Department Parks, Recreation and Culture Safer Cities CCTV Durban Tourism Informal Trade
FESMAC STRATEGY :AGENCIES INVOLVED South African Police Services Durban Chamber of Commerce Emergency Medical Rescue Services Ushaka Marine World and Suncoast Casino National Prosecuting Authority: Point Community Court Durban Point Waterfront Management National Sea Rescue Institute UIP
FESMAC STRATEGY: MANAGED AREAS The following areas are managed in terms of the Strategy: Overcrowding Traffic Congestion Contraventions of the National Road Traffic Act Crime Vagrancy Side-walk Congestion By-law Contraventions Excessive Alcohol Abuse in Public Waste Generation
FESMAC STRATEGY MANAGED AREAS (Cont.) Separated children Environmental health hazards e.g. outbreaks of contagious diseases Uncontrolled fireworks Ignorance of Marine Safety Regulations Uncontrolled public celebrations Events
FESMAC STRATEGY : STATISTICAL INFORMATION Beach Attendance December 2011 To January 2012 ( Approximate ): 2,131,970 Beach Attendance December 2012 To January 2013 ( Approximate ): 3,151,869
FESMAC STRATEGY STATISTICAL INFORMATION Trends over the past three years have changed in terms of attendance. There are high volume visitor days, but the influx of Visitors unlike in the past, commence from of the beginning Holiday which this year will be on the 04/12/2013
FESMAC STRATEGY : STATISTICAL INFORMATION Aquatic Safety Dec Jan 2012 Dec 2012 – Jan 2013 Rescues First aid Drowning00 Separated ChildrenDec Jan 2013Dec 2013 – Jan 2014 Children separated Arm bands issued At end of season allchildren reunitedwith families Law enforcement By Laws Traffic offences
Conclusion: When we take Durban to the World, let us as a Collective ensure that when the World comes to Durban an Environment exists for the World to want to return to Durban