Trenchless technology in action Part 2 The “Pipe Cracking ” process
This is the start of the process where the winching mechanism is located. The pipe cracking head will be fed through the existing pipeline until it meets up with the end trench. The new pipe will be attached to the pipe-cracking head and then pulled back through to the start. The pipe cracking head will open the existing pipeline as it moves and pulls the new pipe through.
The winching mechanism in position in the launch pit
Looking up the street you can clearly see the starting point of the new pipeline and the new pipe neatly coiled waiting to be pulled through. Barricaded areas protect small trenches where water connections will be made between the start and finish points of the exercise.
Workmen supervise the unrolling of the new pipe as it is drawn into the decommissioned AC pipe line.
The new flexible HDPE pipe going into the existing decommissioned AC pipeline where it has been broken open to allow access for the new pipe
The cracking open of the old AC pipe can be seen here as the new HDPE pipe is pulled through.
New consumer connection pipe awaiting reconnection to the new system
The new pipe is laid with only small trenches dug at the start and finish and where connections need to be made along the route of the pipeline. This keeps open trenching within the CBD to a bare minimum.