Action Heroes Compare/Contrast Preparation
Early Brit. Lit. Examples From Beowulf: Beowulf (the classic literary example of the Anglo- Saxon/Germanic heroic ideal) Hrothgar Wiglaf From Canterbury Tales: Chaucer’s Knight
Contemporary Action Heroes Name some... What are the common traits of these characters?
Contemporary Action Heroes Explore the stereotype of the action hero within the following categories: Behaviors Emotions Violence
Contemporary Action Heroes: Behaviors How do male characters behave in most action movies? Are they depicted in a broad range of behaviors, hobbies, etc.? What are their occupations? What action heroes go against the traditionally accepted stereotype?
Contemporary Action Heroes: Behaviors In preparation for the compare/contrast essay, while reading Beowulf, students should consider how Beowulf fits into the contemporary action hero stereotype? (Hrothgar? Wiglaf?) Also consider what about Beowulf goes against the stereotype?
Contemporary Action Heroes: Behaviors How is the contemporary action hero rewarded? What rewards are depicted as most valuable? Consider how are Beowulf, Hrothgar, and Wiglaf rewarded? What rewards are depicted as most valuable?
Contemporary Action Heroes: Emotions Are action heroes (traditionally males) allowed a full range of human emotions? What are the most dominant emotions presented? Which emotions are presented the least?
Contemporary Action Heroes: Emotions In action movies, are men shamed for expressing emotions? Are they rewarded for withholding emotions?
Contemporary Action Heroes: Violence Does action inevitably lead to violence? Could the storylines include action, adventure, and quest without violence? If yes, give examples that support the stand.
Contemporary Action Heroes: Violence In contemporary society, is violence glamorized? Give examples
Contemporary Action Heroes: Violence Are the consequences of violence depicted? Provide examples Are the depictions realistic? Provide examples
Action Heroes What conclusions can be drawn about males stereotypes based on the discussion of action heroes (usually males)? Why do action hero stereotypes last? How are they spread? Is there anything contemporary society can do about them? Should contemporary society do something?
Action Heroes What are the positive aspects of action hero stereotypes? What are the positive aspects of male stereotypes in general?