Writing Improvements These suggestions are general and based on students’ writing in their compare and contrast essays.
Wordle.net Wordle should be used to check word choice in essays. Copy and paste the essay into wordle; it increases the size of words used multiple times. The larger the word, the more times that word is utilized in the essay. Use this information to improve word choice in essays. All students should copy and paste their essays into wordle and improve word choice as necessary before handing them in on Tuesday.
Circular Reasoning These errors have started appearing in student essays. Circular reasoning (aka circular logic or paradoxical thinking) is when the reasoner (writer) ends up where he started.
Circular Reasoning “Looking closely into this similarity proves the characters are similar.”
Circular Reasoning “Leadership requires outstanding leadership qualities.”
Run-on Sentences Run-on sentences are created when two or more independent clauses (a subject, a verb, and a complete thought—an independent clause can stand alone as a sentence) are not punctuated correctly. Four constructions frequently correct run- on sentences.
Run-on Sentences Two independent clauses can be separated by a period and a capital letter Two independent clauses can be separated by a comma and a coordinating conjunction Two independent clauses can be separated by a semicolon Two independent clauses can be separated by a semicolon, a conjunctive adverb, and a comma
Run-on Sentences “Spiderman is one of the best known superheroes but he is not the only, another superhero is Beowulf.” Three independent clauses are presented— how might these be corrected?
Run-on Sentences “Their strengths are unmatched in some cases but in the broad sense of it, Beowulf wins again.” How should this sentence be corrected?
Run-on Sentences “Differences between Beowulf and Bumble Bee become clear when you look at their fate however, many similarities shine through like how they both are unnaturally strong and each have to prove themselves to their peers.” (First, let’s address the r/o sentences; however, this sentences also has 2 nd person, and pronoun/antecedent and number agreement errors)
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement Pronouns must match their antecedents in number and gender. First, what is an antecedent?
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement “Another upside to being a superhero is that they always get the girl.” What is the pronoun/antecedent agreement issue? What else is a problem here?
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement “Each character also has a great intelligence level allowing them to outsmart others.” How should this be corrected?
“There” Statements “There” statements (there is, there are, there have been, etc.) can be grammatically correct but weaken prose. Eliminating them will improve writing.
“There” Statements “There are various categories of heroes that the media spawns.” How can this be strengthened? What other error is presented here?
“There” Statements “In conclusion, there are only a few similarities between Rambo and Beowulf.” How might this be strengthened?