IB learners strive to be… The IB Learner Profile IB learners strive to be…
Inquirers Are curious and love to find out things. They use their skills to do independent research. The CSI Detectives: Inquirers!
Knowledgeable Have in-depth knowledge and understanding about a variety of topics Lisa Simpson: Knowledgeable!
Thinkers Apply their thinking skills in a variety of ways to make reasoned decisions. Confucius: Thinker!
Martin Luther King Jr: Communicator! Communicators Express ideas confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. Work well with others Martin Luther King Jr: Communicator!
Principled Are honest and fair Take responsibility for their own actions Pierluigi Collina: Principled!
Open-minded Are open to different points of view Recognize that many different perspectives exist and improve their own understanding through this. Kofi Annan (former head of the United Nations): Open-minded!
Caring Show compassion and respect for the needs and feelings of others Act to make a positive difference in their communities Ned Flanders: Caring!
Risk-takers Explore new ideas and strategies Show courage in unfamiliar situations Defend their beliefs Muhammad Ali: Risk taker
Lance Armstrong: Balanced! Understand and demonstrate the importance of developing intellectually, physically and emotionally. Lance Armstrong: Balanced!
Tiger Woods: Reflective! Think about their learning and experiences Understand their strengths and weaknesses and use this understanding to support their learning Tiger Woods: Reflective!
Remember No one expects you to ‘achieve’ all of these qualities straight away! Learning is a life long thing: it doesn’t end after School/University - the ‘learner profile’ is simply some common ideas that we can use to think about what kind of learners we try to be!
Bibliography - Images http://sinisefans.org/csi/csi03.jpg http://z.about.com/d/animatedtv/1/0/a/lisa.jpg http://brocknet.net/images/Lance%20Armstrong.jpg http://images.easyart.com/i/prints/rw/lg/2/2/Celebrity-Image-Muhammad-Ali--small-Size--223057.jpg http://jacob.efinke.com/ned.jpg http://www.valechumbar.com/media/1/20050829-collina.jpg http://www.uniclima.org.pe/fotos/CINU%20fotos/kofi%20annan-secr%20gnral.jpg http://www.africanamericans.com/images2/TigerWoods.jpg