{ Common Core Basics and Text Dependent Questions Abasi McKinzie, Ed. D.
Everybody will be required to participate (DEC, ESL, etc.) Nation-wide PARCC will be here next year. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career Become familiar with parcconline.org Common Core Basics-Info
file://localhost/Users/abasimckinzie/Desktop/PARCC ESL.pdf file://localhost/Users/abasimckinzie/Desktop/PARCC ESL.pdf file://localhost/Users/abasimckinzie/Desktop/PARCC ESL.pdf Common Core Basics-Info
Common Core Basics-Info?
CCSS: Key Shifts in ELA & Literacy 1. Complexity: Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. 2. Evidence: Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational. 3. Knowledge: Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction. Common Core Basics-What?
are focused on the text. are generally text-specific rather than generic questions that could be asked of any text. don’t get students off of the text (e.g., tell me about a time you went camping…). require students to re-read the text closely to do such things as draw inferences, develop interpretations, and analyze ideas and language. may promote convergent (comprehension) and divergent (interpretation/analysis) thinking about a text. Text Dependent Questions
Sequencing Text-based Questions for Instruction: Types of Questions Prior Knowledge (P) (non-text-based) Comprehension (C) (includes vocabulary work) Significance (S) Interpretive (I) Analytic (A) StepBack (SB) (non-text-based) Retrospective (R) (text-based and/or non-text-based) Text Dependent Questions
Look at the handout: Moving From…Moving To What do you notice? Text Dependent Questions(TDQs)
Read the handout on Text-Based Questions What do you wonder? Text Dependent Questions(TDQs)
Read “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros Get into groups of 2-4 and create TDQs for Eleven TDQs-Let’s Practice
file://localhost/Users/abasimckinzie/Deskt op/ELA 6-8 Eleven.doc file://localhost/Users/abasimckinzie/Deskt op/ELA 6-8 Eleven.doc file://localhost/Users/abasimckinzie/Deskt op/ELA 6-8 Eleven.doc TDQs-Let’s Compare
Read the news article on limiting kids’ online time from newsela.com 740 Lexile Level Get into groups of 2-4 and create TDQs TDQs-Let’s Practice
Each group share a question that you created TDQs-Let’s Compare
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