It is the depth of our connections that makes it possible to do our work. Mark Paul
Extractive Economy Linear One-way production model Uses resources and moves on Growth is ultimate outcome Growth measured by expansion, market shares, profit
Regenerative Economy Circular growth Growth viewed as one part of replenishment Grow in capabilities, processes and offerings
SAR Beyond Compliance METS IHAPI Staffing
Transition Fundamentals F ‘06F ‘07F ‘08 S ‘12 F ‘09F ‘10 F ‘11 Transition Assessment Using Quality Assessment Information for Quality Services and Supports Instructional Practices and Experiences
Core Implementation Components © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Positive Outcomes for Students Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Effective Educational Practices How: What: Why: Capacity to provide direction and vision Staff capacity to support children/families with the selected practices Institutional capacity to support teachers & staff in implementing practices with fidelity
Core Implementation Components © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Postsecondary Attendance; Competitive Employment Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Effective Educational Practices: Transition Assessment; Transition Planning How: What: Why: Effective Educational Practices: Preparation for Competitive Work and College
3 Big Areas of Work 1.Build Capacity of Service Providers and Special Educators to Create Positive Outcomes for Eligibile Infants, Toddlers & SwD 2.Build Collaborative Partnerships 3.Facilitate System Structures and Processes
Build Capacity to Create Positive Outcomes Coach families Increase abilities to understand and use data Increase abilities to identify areas in need of instruction Design, deliver & modify SDI Ensure Preservice includes needed content Core Implementation Components © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Leadership Build Collaborative Partnerships Formalize Communication Engage Partners Build Integrated system of supports (including coaching) Build Continuum of mental and social health services and supports Facilitate System Structures and Processes Define SDI Move from process compliance to results drive accountability Build systems that engage parents Hone processes
Reemphasize “I” in IEP Regenerate Specially Designed Instruction
SSIP State Systemic Improvement Plan New Indicator from OSEP (B17 and C11) Deep Data Analysis State Identified Measurable Result (SiMR) Analysis of capacity to implement, scale-up & sustain practices Theory of action
State Identified Measureable Result for Children with Disabilities MUST BE: Child level outcome not process outcome Aligned to an SPP/APR indicator MAY BE: Single result Cluster of related results WILL BE: The focus of our work through 2020
Transition Implications Continue METS work IHAPI State Transition Consultant
Be Mindful
Lead with Yourself
It is the depth of our connections that makes it possible to do our work. Mark Paul