While Conduit Club changed to the M.C.C M.C.C issued a revised code of laws, settled various arguments and established its position as the games chief authority. Cricket is now rational !! After moving twice the ‘Lords’ cricket ground settled at St John’s Wood. CRICKET FIXTURES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Bat and Ball Inn, Hambledon. nicknamed ‘cradle of cricket’- game encouraged and developed.Beat the might of England Gentlemen of London who developed laws of cricket formed The While Conduit Club
Cricket expanding to Yorkshire and Glamorgan Played regularly in Calcutta and New South Wales Played in South Africa Played in the West Indies Played in New Zealand First Test Match (Ashes) at Melbourne, Australia won In the 2 nd Test Match England beat Australia by 5 wickets Australia gained revenge winning by 7 runs. In the 1882 Test a spectator died from excitement, a newspaper printed this humorous obituary, ‘which died at the oval 29 th August 1882…RIP NB the body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia.’ Thus began the legend of the Ashes.
English touring side appeared captained by Sir Aubrey Smith A English touring side visited the West Indies. First Caribbean side to tour England. Lord Sheffield managed an English touring team and on leaving had given 150 guineas to promote cricket in Australia Australian touring party beat England at the Oval.
In the 2 nd Test match Dr. W. G Grace scored 150 runs. Also, first man to score 1,000 runs and take 100 wickets in a single season. Retired form playing for Gloucestershire at the age of 59. Dr. W.G Grace also responsible for originating the basic forward or backward movement of the batsman when making a stroke. Dr. W.G Grace was born Dr. W. G Grace died Between 1870 and 1910 he earned £120,000 either directly or indirectly from cricket AMATEUR!!!