IB Film 6th Subject Option N. Lemmon, Instructor Sophomore Presentation 6th Subject Option N. Lemmon, Instructor Sophomore Presentation
What is IB Film? »Film is a new course offered for the first time in »Film can be either be studied at the HL or SL level. »Film has three areas of study: Textual analysis Film theory and history Creative Process »Film is a new course offered for the first time in »Film can be either be studied at the HL or SL level. »Film has three areas of study: Textual analysis Film theory and history Creative Process
Why IB Film? »Film is a natural fit for the current Media II curriculum. »There is no written exam with this course. »Film allows Central to continue to offer students technology offerings in the IB curriculum. »Film is a natural fit for the current Media II curriculum. »There is no written exam with this course. »Film allows Central to continue to offer students technology offerings in the IB curriculum.
What will you do in the class? »50% of your grade is an external assessment Student-created documentary Presentation over documentary »These projects may be done alone or in groups of up to 4 people. »50% of your grade is an external assessment Student-created documentary Presentation over documentary »These projects may be done alone or in groups of up to 4 people.
What will you do in the class? »50% of your grade is an internal assessment Student-created 6-7 minute film second associated trailer »While students will be working together, each student must turn in their own film. »50% of your grade is an internal assessment Student-created 6-7 minute film second associated trailer »While students will be working together, each student must turn in their own film.
What will you do in the class? »The only written work in the class is maintaining a production journal and various film analysis from assigned films watched in the class.
Other benefits of the class: »Central Intelligence, number one in the nation! »Media II now counts as a practical art credit. »Provides a lighter side to your IB course load. »Central Intelligence, number one in the nation! »Media II now counts as a practical art credit. »Provides a lighter side to your IB course load.
This class is right for you if: »You are interested in film and videography. »You enjoy working with computers. »You enjoy group work. »You would like to make films or are currently making films with your friends. »You would like a career in film or television news. »You are interested in film and videography. »You enjoy working with computers. »You enjoy group work. »You would like to make films or are currently making films with your friends. »You would like a career in film or television news.
What should you sign up for? »Your Options: IB Film (Media II) - You have already taken media I and have been accepted in to media II. This will allow you to HL Film. Media I- Take media I your junior year, apply for media II your senior year. This will allow you to SL Film. Already taken media I and media II not for you? SEE ME! We are interested in the number of students who would like IB film without being attached to media courses. »Your Options: IB Film (Media II) - You have already taken media I and have been accepted in to media II. This will allow you to HL Film. Media I- Take media I your junior year, apply for media II your senior year. This will allow you to SL Film. Already taken media I and media II not for you? SEE ME! We are interested in the number of students who would like IB film without being attached to media courses.