WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BELL WORK FOR MONDAY: [5 min] Possessive Nouns: Look at the reminders and then correct the phrases on your bell work paper. The pen of the student = the student’s pen The pens of the students = the students’ pens The age of Scout = Scout’s age 1.the job of Maria3.the parks of the states5.the craft of the author 2.the trees of the park 4.the books of the libraries 6.the understanding of the reader
SSR AGENDA—SEE NORMS [10 min] Sustained Silent Reading: Can a book answer a question you didn’t know you had? Review norms—expectations that you are reading 2 hours a week at home, response in writer’s note book that should be kept in this room, recording pages read/setting goals, and conferring with teacher about your reading life. You may read your choice OR To Kill a Mockingbird. [2 min] Use a SENTENCE STEM from the metacognitive list on the shade.
LITERARY ANALYSIS Work Returned Look over grades, read comments, reflect on why you received such a grade [28 min] Literary Analysis Second Try Follow structure given and use information from your handouts to guide your responses
LOGIN INFORMATION [2 min] EdMODO login at home task------DONE BY FRIDAY! 1 st Hour=hyer5k 2 nd Hour=g7peqt 3 rd Hour=7abqdf 4 th Hour=683zee 5 th Hour=rzdn46 6 th Hour=bzk24b