Overview of ABE Funding
Trends in Funding FY 2005FY 2008FY 2009FY 2010 State ABE Aid$ 36,509,000$41,059,748$42,291,786$ 43,125,585 Federal ABE Aid$ 6,832,891$ 5,990,606$ 5,887,863$ 5,299,077 Grant programs$ 682,138$ 1,825,000$ 836,841$ 866,787 TOTAL $$ 44,024,029$48,875,354$49,016,490$ 49,291,449 Enrollment80,45274,65673,387 Student Contact Hours 4,994,9165,054,2085,371,902 Avg. cost per student per year $547$655$668
Funding Sources Currently, state funds are provided to approved programs (53 consortia) using a mandated aid formula integrating school district population, LEP counts, census no-diploma data, and prior year learner contact hours. Competitive grant funds (one-time appropriations) and Federal ABE funds are also allocated. Two percent of the annual state appropriation is authorized to support a system of “supplemental services” including staff development, technology, distance learning, and special needs services.
State of Minnesota Base Population Aid—an amount based on the number of people living in a school district. Over 20, No Diploma— based on U.S. census data, the number of people in a school district who indicate they do not have a diploma. K-12 LEP—number of LEP students served through K-12 ESL services in a school district. Contact Hours—number of hours learners attended in the previous program year. State of Minnesota Base Population Aid—an amount based on the number of people living in a school district. Over 20, No Diploma— based on U.S. census data, the number of people in a school district who indicate they do not have a diploma. K-12 LEP—number of LEP students served through K-12 ESL services in a school district. Contact Hours—number of hours learners attended in the previous program year. Federal Government Each state receives a percentage of the federal allocation based on census data. Each program in Minnesota receives a percentage of the state’s federal allocation based on the number of contact hours of learners who are not ASE. Federal Government Each state receives a percentage of the federal allocation based on census data. Each program in Minnesota receives a percentage of the state’s federal allocation based on the number of contact hours of learners who are not ASE.
FY 2010 ABE State Aid State ABE appropriation segmented into 4 components: – Base population aid – Contact hour rate = $5.26 per prior year contact hour – K-12 Limited English Proficient (LEP) rate = $37.45 per K- 12 LEP Unit – Over age 20 no diploma rate = $4.88 per district resident without a high school diploma To view your consortium’s state aid spreadsheet on the MDE website, go to:
Increase in State ABE Aid 3% annual statutory base increase in State ABE Aid Subject to a corresponding statewide ten year average growth in contact hours ABE base aid will increase every year by 3% if ABE contact hours grow by 3% or more over the prior ten year period
Federal ABE Aid Federal ABE aid formula = “Level 1” enrollee contact hours. – Level 1 hours generated by enrollees in all NRS levels except Low and High Adult Secondary Education (ASE) – FY 2010 federal contact hour rate = $0.55
Sample Contact Hour Calculation Your class has an average of 15 students attending every day. The class meets 3 hours a day and 4 days a week. You teach the class 48 weeks during the program year. How much state revenue did the class generate for the program year? How much federal revenue did the class generate for the program year?
Contact Hour Growth Cap The amount a consortium receives in contact hour revenue may not increase over the previous year by more than the greater of 11% or $10,000.
Gross Revenue Per Contact Hour A consortium may not receive more than $22 per prior year contact hour in total state aid revenue
Other Sources of ABE Funding State & federal grants (i.e. EL/civics) Foundation grants Private donations
For more information… Contact Barry Shaffer, State ABE Director or