Southeast Minnesota Region Developed two projects for the region: Medical Coding Specialist Online Learning Program And Customer Service/Retail Sales Training Certificate Presenters: Theresa Luther-Dolan Southeast Regional Transitions Coordinator Cathy Quam ABE Instructor – Retail Sales & Service Course Mary Schroeder ABE Instructor – Medical Careers in a Digital World Course
Why these career pathways? Employment outlook for Southeast Minnesota indicates Medical Records & Health Information Technician are high demand careers. (e.g. Health Records Administration, Health Records Technology, Medical Coding & Billing) Retail/Customer Service Jobs rank 5 th in demand with 308 job openings expected in the next five years in SE Minnesota.
Project One: Medical Coding Specialist Medical records and health information technicians are high demand jobs in the southeast region. A medical coding specialist career pathway was developed in partnership with MN State Southeast Technical College.
All of the coursework for this career can be done entirely online. A medical coding specialist candidate can do pre-coursework at an ABE site and then enroll at SE Technical College. The learner can continue ABE enrollment while completing the online courses.
Project Steps A team of ABE teachers from the region developed a curriculum framework and complied a list of resources for the medical coding specialist career pathway.
SE Regional Transitions Coordinators worked closely with the faculty at SE Technical to develop a specific curriculum outline and provide resources that integrate the foundational skills within the occupational content as a bridge course.
SE ABE instructors and mangers participated in a workshop that provided training on how to implement this bridge course and online coursework into their programs.
Medical Coding Career Workshop Included: Overview on how to prepare ABE learners to be successful online learners. Resources included examples of pitfalls and misconceptions for online learning; what type of learner will be a successful online learner; online learning pros & cons; success strategies; technology/computer skills curriculum Overview of the medical coding specialist career Panelists from the field and faculty from MN State SE Technical College Resources included modules in: college culture; job skills; medical coding specialist bridge curriculum; reading, science, math, writing; study skills; medical terminology descriptions
Project Two: Retail/Customer Service Careers Retail/customer service careers are in high demand in the southeast Minnesota region. ABE programs were requesting help with developing training programs for these type of careers.
A workshop was held for ABE instructors to become certified trainers of the National Retail Federation Foundation Sales & Service “Train the Trainer” Program. Once trained the ABE instructors received curriculum and the certification needed to be able to deliver the NRF Foundation Sales & Service Learning Program. ABE learners complete the course, must pass a test and then receive a customer service certificate which is a credential to show potential retail employers.
Building Connections Colleges in the southeast Minnesota region Workforce Investment Board Workforce Centers ABE involvement with local MnSCU and Employers Other local agencies
ABE Programs in SE Minnesota Are using the workshop resources, have developed courses or independent study for their own ABE program. The National Retail Federation Sales & Service Certificate Test is offered at Rochester ABE. Twelve ABE instructors are certified to teach the NRF Sales & Service Learning program.
SE Transition Coordinators Theresa Luther–Dolan: Britta Youmans: Nadine Holthaus