Do They Really Get It? Adding Meaning to the Math Sheri Lear, Beginning ESL and Basic Math Instructor Nikki Carson-Padilla, Intermediate ESL and College & Career Prep Instructor
Objectives: Define “numeracy” Develop and apply strategies for using context and embedding numeracy into a variety of curricular units Identify and consider the unique challenges that adult ELLs face in developing numeracy skills in order to plan appropriate instruction
Warm-up Answer in pairs: Are numeracy and math the same? (3 min) Numeracy is… “…….having a grasp of numbers and data and the arithmetic and reasoning necessary for everyday life. It means confidently handling money, understanding interest, using timetables, working out journey times and interpreting graphs and charts - in other words, living in the modern world.” How did you become numerate? (3 min)
Examples of gaps/needs in numeracy education of adult ELLs Lack of target cultural experience e.g. a baker’s dozen or a mileage map Lack of everyday vocab/basic grammar e.g. a brick, a pair of pants Lack of content- specific vocab e.g. not knowing how to “divide”
What Could Interfere with “Getting It?” Camping Adventure free from Math Story by Claudette J. Young Last Saturday Wendy invited five friends for a weekend campout in her backyard. At the store, they bought: 16 ounce package of ten hot $ ounce package of hot dog $ ounce package of graham $ ounce package of $ ounce box of chocolate $ ounce bag of potato $3.29 How much did the ingredients for the S’mores cost? If there is only MATH to be taught, then you’ll only need to explore and practice adding whole numbers and decimals, but is there more to consider here? Possibly NUMERACY?
Consider these word problems from
Implications for Instruction General Numeracy Strategies Making predictions Making math sentences
Implications for Instruction General Numeracy Strategies Using graphic organizers Interpreting data
Implications for Instruction Content-specific Numeracy Activities Money/Budget
Implications for Instruction Content-specific Numeracy Activities Health
Content-specific Numeracy Activities Application You will receive an equation. Solve and go to the sheet of paper posted with your solution. Those standing with you are your teammates for our culminating activity.
Online Numeracy Resources (good for an election year) (math for work/function video challenges presented by successful individuals; note: upper-level) (select a grade level and skill, such as using a Venn diagram to solve a problem, choosing the best graph, or finding elapsed time)