2 Student Success Task Force Report (State Level) Student Success Initiatives (COM SSI) Enrollment Management Plan (Part of SSI) Enrollment Management Data
1/19/20123 How about accountability? How about declining enrollment? How about other disciplines? How about basic skills English? Where are the units coming from? Resource reallocation?
Take a broad look on both gateway courses-- English and Math, as well as overall unit allocation patterns, enrollment pattern, and student success. QuestionsData What do the unit allocation patterns look like? Revised unit allocations What do our enrollment pattern look like? Why has our enrollment declined? Waitlist for Spring 2012 Placement Tests Possible reasons for enrollment decline What does our student success data look like? (Accountability) Course Retention Course Success Cohort Study 1/19/20124
7 Handout 1
1/19/20128 English Placement Test For Spring 2011 and Fall 2011 What is COM’s strategy for students with placement information? Do we have enough seats for students who have been placed in various English courses (levels), if they register for the appropriate courses?
1/19/20129 Math Placement Test For Spring 2011 and Fall 2011 What is COM’s strategy for students without placement information? Do we have enough seats for students who have been placed in various Math courses (levels), if they register for the appropriate courses?
1/19/ Green:75%+; Yellow: 50%+; Red: 25%+; Black <25% Example, see handout 2 for details
1/19/ Green:75%+; Yellow: 50%+; Red: 25%+; Black <25% Example, see handout 2 for details
1/19/ Green:75%+; Yellow: 50%+; Red: 25%+; Black <25% Example, see handout 3 for details
1/19/ Green:75%+; Yellow: 50%+; Red: 25%+; Black <25% Example, see handout 3 for details
1/19/ English enrolled 134 (56%) passed English enrolled 86 (36%) passed English enrolled 75 (24%) passed MATH enrolled 94 (44%) passed MATH enrolled 42 (20%) passed MATH enrolled 22 (10%) passed
1/19/ English enrolled 104 (51%) passed English enrolled 69 (34%) passed English enrolled 45 (22%) passed MATH enrolled 94 (41%) passed MATH enrolled 52 (23%) passed MATH enrolled 30 (13%) passed
1/19/ English enrolled 40 (49%) passed English enrolled 29 (35%) passed English enrolled 20 (24%) passed Hispanic English enrolled 9 (35%) passed English enrolled 5 (19%) passed English enrolled 3 (12%) passed English enrolled 17 (63%) passed English enrolled 15 (56%) passed English enrolled 8 (30%) passed African American Asian English enrolled 46 (61%) passed English enrolled 23 (31%) passed English enrolled 19 (25%) passed White
1/19/ Hispanic African American Asian White MATH enrolled 25 (48%) passed MATH enrolled 14 (27%) passed MATH enrolled 9 (17%) passed MATH enrolled 0 (0%) passed MATH enrolled MATH enrolled MATH enrolled 6 (67%) passed MATH enrolled 4 (44%) passed MATH enrolled 1 (11%) passed MATH enrolled 51 (54%) passed MATH enrolled 19 (20%) passed MATH enrolled 11 (12%) passed
1/19/ Now We KnowWhat is next? Strategies? Our unit allocation patterns Our enrollment patterns Our enrollment declined? Our student success results