Career Service Authority City and County of Denver Organization Development Strategy Overview 5 August 2010
OD Defined Organization Development: –Facilitates interaction between people and structure to align with organization goals Is to an organization as a physician is to a human body; OD practitioner "diagnoses" the most important priorities to address, recommends a change management plan, and then guides organization through necessary change. –There are different tools that can be used to implement needed change
OD Services Consulting –Assistance or advice to help clients solve a particular problem or range of problems within specific areas of their business Strategic Planning –Establishing future course for an organization (includes both organizational redesign and business process redesign) Change Management –A multidisciplinary, structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams and organizations from current state to desired future state Includes conflict management / resolution, performance management, meeting and group facilitation, executive and management coaching, training and team building
OD Benefits Increases agency productivity, resilience & creativity Captures efficiencies, resulting in cost savings & increased citizen trust in government Decreases employee and management anxiety
CSA OD Strategy Activation process: request for specific service, Citywide impact, observation of patterns, recurring issues, media sensitivity, etc. ADDIE model Determine involvement: OD, HRS, media relations, outsource
ADDIE Model CSA typically uses ADDIE Model: Assessment –Clarify problem or performance gap, establish goals and objectives; identify existing knowledge and skills Design –Design phase should be systematic (logical, orderly strategy) and specific (each element implemented with attention to detail) Develop –Developers create and assemble elements created in design phase Implement –Plan is put into action Evaluation –Consists of two parts: formative (improves programs; is present in each stage of ADDIE) and summative (provides feedback opportunities from stakeholders)
Next Steps Align with HRS Introduce OD strategy to CSA staff Introduce to City agencies Expected full rollout completion: September 2010