Solutions To Global Warming IB SL
Problems... The most difficult task when creating agreements on reducing global warming is gaining international co-operation and agreement on the best measures to take. LEDC's are keen to utilise their own reserves of fossil fuels, to gain valuable revenue, and do not have the finances (or desire) to put into place expensive measures that may reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Ways Of Reducing Emissions... Switch from use of fossil fuels to 'greener' sources of energy, for example, renewable energy such as wind power, nuclear power, HEP. Increase tariffs on industry for emitting greenhouses gases, or price fuels so that their cost reflects the impacts that they have on the environment. Increase double-glazing and insulation in buildings to increase energy efficiency. Limit the amount and rate of deforestation by provision of relevant management strategies. Replant trees. Make greater use of gas rather than coal and oil due to its greater energy efficiency. Invest more money into public transport and increasing fuel efficiency of cars, for example.
Advantages Of Approaches... Changing to nuclear power is one of the fastest ways of reducing carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) output. Difficult to enforce effectively. Fines often mean little to large industries. In the UK government legislation already exists, and new buildings now have a minimum of 20% increase in their energy efficiency. Can work well if advice is given in conjunction with indigenous populations. Would reduce soil erosion, and absorb carbon dioxide. In the UK the aim is to keep carbon dioxide emissions at 1990 levels and this depends on substitution of gas for coal and oil. Fossil fuels would be the most expensive fuel, therefore reducing their use. Car companies are already investigating more energy efficient fuels and energy sources.
Disadvantages Of Approaches... Much concern exists over the safety of nuclear power, especially after the Chernobyl accident. Disposal of nuclear waste is problematic and the construction of new power stations is highly expensive. Encourages a more mindful approach to the environment. Difficult to oversee on a large scale. Implementation is difficult, especially when the destruction is widespread as in Amazonia. Tree growth is very slow and it would take many decades to replace the trees lost through deforestation. There would be a need to construct many more power stations. Encouraging people to use public transport if highly problematic, especially for those living in rural areas.
Conclusion... In the widest sense there are a variety of approaches that can be taken to global warming, but without large scale international co-operation the problem is likely to worsen before it improves. The evidence that exists for global warming is far from conclusive and it is important to examine all the evidence before reaching a conclusion.
Activity Look at the Why is Global Warming a Difficult Problem to Tackle? W/S and using 4 colours sort the statements into... 1.Social. 2.Political. 3.Economic. 4.Environmental.