ACHIEVING THE DREAM Kauai Community College Convocation Fall 2008
We can help more community college students succeed Achieving the Dream supports colleges’ efforts to help students stick with their studies and attain their academic goals. Colleges work within a culture of evidence, a collective mindset in which critical decisions affecting students are informed by data and evaluated in light of whether student achievement increases.
Overview Develop an evidence-based culture Engage in institutional transformation and systemic change Assure success of low-income, 1 st generation and Native Hawaiian students
Hawai‘i’s Partners and Funders The Kamehameha Schools The Office of Hawaiian Affairs The University of Hawai‘i, Community Colleges
A five-year initiative Goal is to increase number of students who successfully; complete remedial/developmental courses; complete “gatekeeper” courses; complete all enrolled courses with C or higher; re-enroll from one semester to the next; and earn certificates and/or degrees.
UHCC & KCC Strategic Goals Native Hawaiian Educational Attainment Increase Hawaii’s Educational Capital Increase enrollment Increase success and retention through increased Financial Aid Increase success in remedial/developmental courses Increase the number of students who transfer or graduate
Continuation: If they don’t come back they don’t complete In the top states, 62% of entering community college students return their second year. In the UH Community College System, 45% return. At Kaua‘i CC 46% overall return (69% of FT and 32% of PT). Source: Measuring Up 2006 Completion and IPEDS
Year One: 2007 Collect data on student success, retention and persistence Identify gatekeeper courses (high enrollment and <70% success rate) Identify factors related to student success and lack of success Identify intervention strategies to increase student success
Gatekeeper Courses CourseC or Higher% Headcount ENG 10065%12% (400) ENG 2257%10% MATH 2466% 9% HIST 15164% 8% SP 15164% 8% ICS 10056% 7% MATH 2258% 6% (200) ENG 2158% 6%
Year Two 2008: Implementation Priority Area A: Financial Aid Participation Financial Aid Outreach Mandatory Advising for new, probationary, and Rem/Dev students
Action Plan: Financial Aid Outreach
Year Two 2008: Implementation con’t. Priority Area B: Developmental Intervention College Success Center Asst English Instructors Strengthen peer assistant tutoring Math/Science Lab
Compass Scores: First Time Students
Year Two 2008: Implementation con’t Priority Area C: Successful Progress and Graduation or Transfer Strengthen Early Alert Provide Professional Development in Hawaiian values, teaching strategies, workshops, conferences, etc.
Action Plan: Successful Progress
Action Plan: Early Alert 73 Early Alert Students (30% NH) 101 different classes 273 enrollments (duplicate count) 3.74 classes each 30% success in enrolled classes ABCCECRDFIFNNCW
Early Alert
Year Two: Implementation con’t Priority D: Data Collection, Analysis, and Utilization Institutional Researcher Data collection and evaluation instruments Training on data analysis
PAU Kauai Community College Convocation Fall 2008