Sprowston Community High School KS4 PREFERENCES
Key Stage 4 SUBJECTS The following subjects are studied by all pupils: English – both English and English Literature for most pupils Maths Core Science* Core PE Short Courses ICT/RS/Citizenship*
PATH A to E increasingly more Vocational PATH A: All GCSE’s PATH B: BTEC PATH C : VOCATIONAL STUDIES PATH D: NEW DIPLOMAS PATH E: Young Apprenticeship
PATH A - All GCSE’s Choose to do Short Courses of Citizenship, ICT & RS in: BLOCK 1 – Instead of 2 nd Science BLOCK 2 – Instead of a Language BLOCK 3 – Instead of a Technology BLOCK 4 – Instead of an Arts or Humanities subject
BLOCK 1 SCIENCE EITHER DOUBLE SCIENCE (Choice made later in Year 10 of ADDITIONAL OR ADDITIONAL APPLIED) OR SINGLE SCIENCE + ICT/RS/CZ Short Courses IF you wish to be considered to take Biology, Chemistry & Physics then only tick the Triple Science box in Path A
Block 2 Modern Foreign Languages FRENCH OR GERMAN OR SPANISH OR ICT/RS/CZ Short Courses This must be the language that you are studying now IFyou wish to be considered for 2 nd MFL subject then take this option in Path A
BLOCK 3 Design & Technology 11 subject to be studied EEnter 2 in order of preference FFOOD TECHNOLOGY OOR GRAPHICS OOR MATERIALS OOR TEXTILES IIf you wish to study Engineering Double GCSE then tick this box in Path A as well OOR ICT/RS/CZ Short Courses
BLOCK 4 ARTS & HUMANITIES 2 subjects to be studied GCSE Health & Social Care- Double Certificate OR GCSE Leisure & Tourism – Double Certificate OR 2 of the following: Art & DesignPhotographyEconomics DanceBusiness StudiesGeography DramaMedia StudiesHistory MusicGCSE PE Philosophy & Ethics OR ICT/RS/CZ Short Courses IF you want to take 3 subjects from this block then you can pick up the 3 rd subject in Path A.
PATH B: BTEC Decide which BTEC course to do: Art & Design Media Sport Performing Arts Tick which in Path B Then decide Block 1,2,3 or 4 for your Short Courses Then complete Blocks 1 to 4 as for Path A, but you will only study 1 GCSE from Block 4
PATH C : Vocational Studies Choose from the following courses: Animal CareCateringConstruction Finishing & RepairHairdressing Horse CareVehicle Maintenance WoodworkLand Based Operations Motorcycle Maintenance Tick which one in PATH C box
PATH C: Vocational Studies Besides the Core Subjects you need to choose 2 from: Art & DesignDramaFood Technology MaterialsFrenchBusiness Studies GeographyHistory Tick 4 in GCSE box in order of preference NOT ALL OF THESE SUBJECTS WILL RUN – ONLY THE 4 MOST POPULAR ONES!!!!! N
PATH D : NEW DIPLOMAS Choose from the following: Business, Administration & Finance - Sewell Park Creative Arts and Media – Sprowston CHS Engineering – Open Academy Environment & Land Based Studies – Easton College Sport & Active Leisure - Thorpe St Andrew HS Tick which box in PATH D
Path C, D & E are dependent upon successful interview Pupils wishing to follow one of these pathways MUST also complete the form for EITHER PATH A OR B, just in case their application is unsuccessful.