Monday 23 rd April Student Governing Body: Behaviour and Safety
Agenda (1) Student Leadership (2) Behaviour (3) Parent Partnership Award (4) Equalities
Student Leadership Launching in all year groups this week Student Leaders (KS3), Prefects (KS4), Senior Students (KS5) Y7, Y8, Y9: 20 selected per year group Y10: 30 selected Y12: 25 selected Students will be expected to submit a written application and have their application backed by other students, teachers and parents. The selection process will be via a panel interview
Student Leadership: Key Differences All year groups will be involved Student Leaders will be expected to take on specific responsibilities on a weekly basis Higher profile for student leaders More rigorous recruitment process
Behaviour Update and Discussion
Leading Parent Partnership Award A nationally accredited award process to allow us to review and improve how we work with parents and carers Assessed under key areas (see sheets given out) We need students from the B&S group to be on the Working Party... Initial Audit: Friday April 27th
Equalities From April 2012 all schools must have an Equalities Action Plan Schools, and other public sector organisations have a duty to: (1) Eliminate discrimination and other conduct prohibited by the Act (2) Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it (3) Foster good relations across all characteristics- between people who share a characteristic and people who do not share it
Protected Characteristics Sex Race Disability Religion or Belief Sexual Orientation Gender Reassignment Pregnancy or Maternity
Our challenge as a SGB (a) What part can we play in ensuring the action plan is “alive”? (b) What can we do to foster good relationships between the groups and ensure that we do not tolerate prejudice and discrimination?
YOUR TASK Choose ONE of the protected characteristics and produce a campaign that will: (a) Reduce prejudice and discrimination against this group (b) Help to make sure that people within this group have the same opportunities as other students (c) Improve relationships