Management Finalisti: Darija Aleksić Jana Krapež Stefan Korber
Darija Aleksić Dejavniki spodbujanja zanosa in optimalnega izkustva v ustvarjalnosti pri delu “Sem študentka prvega letnika bolonjskega doktorskega študija na Ekonomski fakulteti, smer Management in organizacija. Trenutno večino svojega časa namenjam doktorskemu študiju in raziskovanju na področju ustvarjalnosti, zanosa in etike. Pri raziskovanju se dosledno držim Einsteinovega izreka: “The important thing is not to stop questioning”. Zavedam se pomembnosti stika s prakso, zato si tekom študija prizadevam tudi za pridobivanje dragocenih praktičnih izkušenj. Sem demonstratorka na Ekonomski fakulteti. Prosti čas izkoristim za druženje s prijatelji, branje knjig in potovanje. Zelo rada si postavljam visoke, težko dosegljive cilje, ki me motivirajo za delo in mi omogočajo osebno rast.”
Jana Krapež Contextual variables of open innovation paradigm in the business environment of Slovenian companies "To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." - Elbert Hubbard. So therefore, trust your hopes and not your fears! “I am researcher and teaching assistant at Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. I am first-year student of PhD programme in management. Currently I am in a very exciting point in my life, with several open options in front of me, which makes me feel a little overwhelmed, especially when it comes to making decisions about my future. Through my education and other activities I have been developing skills, by which I am preparing to grasp my next opportunity. I am ambitious and hardworking person and I believe anything is possible if you do your best to accomplish it, especially in team oriented environment.”
Stefan Korber Strategy-as-practice: Old wine in new bottles or a promising new approach? “I am 28 years old and grew up in a small village in the southern part of Austria. I graduated from the University of Vienna with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. During my studies I worked for an Austrian telecommunication provider as a Management Accountant and after finishing my Master’s Thesis I was travelling for one year around the world. I returned from that trip last October and since then I have been working to save some money because my intention is to go abroad asap. I am applying for a Visa for New Zealand at the moment because I want to spend a couple of years there. In the best case I would like to attend a PhD program or otherwise just gain some work experience abroad.”