Mednarodno poslovanje Finalisti: Matej Skočir Tanja Grublješič Iris Koleša
Matej Skočir The business environment and FDI policy as location-specific factors of investment in Slovenia from abroad “Matej Skočir holds a Bachelor degree from International Relations (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana) and a Master degree from International Economy (Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana). He speaks fluently English and Italian and passively Russian and Serbian/Croatian. He started his career in 2005 at Trade and Investment Promotion Agency of Slovenia (TIPO). In 2007, he continued his work at Division for FDI at JAPTI, where he became a Head of FDI Division in August 2009. His main field of work are: FDI project management, financial incentives for foreign investors and marketing of Slovenia as FDI location.”
Tanja Grublješič Razlika med izvoznim obnašanjem storitvenih podjetij in proizvodnih podjetij “Moje ime je Tanja Grublješič in zaposlena sem kot mlada raziskovalka na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, obenem pa sem še redna študentka na doktorskem študijskem programu Ekonomske fakultete, smer Informacijsko-upravljalske vede. Na Ekonomski fakulteti sem dokončala univerzitetni dodiplomski študijski program smer Management in organizacija. Po končanju sem se vpisala na znanstveni magistrski program Mednarodna ekonomija, katerega sem leta 2011 tudi uspešno dokončala z odlično oceno za zaključno znanstveno magistrsko delo izdelano pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Jožeta Damijana. Kot potrditev dobrega dela sem decembra 2011 na osnovi raziskave iz magistrskega dela objavila tudi znanstveno raziskovalni članek. V času študija na podiplomskem znanstvenem magistrskem programu sem tudi redno delala na rektoratu Univerze v Ljubljani v službi za evropske projekte. Z letošnjim šolskim letom kot mlada raziskovalka na Ekonomski fakulteti sodelujem na katedri za Poslovno informatiko in logistiko, za doktorsko disertacijo pa pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Jurija Jakliča preučujem determinante sprejemanja poslovno-inteligenčnih sistemov s strani posameznih uporabnikov v podjetjih.”
Iris Koleša Medorganizacijsko mreženje v procesu internacionalizacije: primer slovenskih poslovnih klubov “I'm a first-year student of a Master Programme in Diplomacy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, where I also obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing Communications in 2011. I concluded my undergraduate studies with a thesis titled »Business-to-business networking in the process of internationalization: the case of Slovenian business clubs« under mentorship of associate professor Andreja Jaklič, PhD. In addition to ‘classic’ projects, I have prepared a short documentary on Lila Prap with several colleagues during my undergraduate studies. In 2010 I spent a semester abroad at the University of Miami in Florida. One of the major group projects I have worked on at the exchange was a full mock advertising campaign for an American company JCPenney. I have also had the opportunity to network with students from all over the World. Since I am very outgoing, I often spend leisure time at coffee with friends. However, when I need some time to myself, I enjoy amateur painting and dancing.”