EDITING FOR EFFECT Expanding time – Increasing tension
You are about to watch a chase sequence
What did you see? How would you describe the action of the previous sequence? How many frames have been used? Are all the frames different? Explain. How have the frames been ordered? Now watch again to check your answers:
How would you describe the action of the previous sequence? How many frames have been used? Are all the frames different? Explain. How have the frames been ordered?. It is a chase scene: a caped man is being pursued by men with guns. Twelve frames have been used. No. Several frames have been used more than once. The same shot of the caped man has been used three times. The frames alternate between the pursuer and the pursued. Suggested answers
Expanding time – increasing tension Why are the same frames used more than once? Why do the frames alternate between pursuer and pursued so many times? Is there a difference in effect between seeing the sequence at a faster and a slower speed?
Why are the same frames used more than once? Why do the frames alternate between pursuer and pursued so many times? Is there a difference in effect between the fast editing and the slower editing? Suggested answers The repetition of frames increases the tension of the scene by making it go on for longer (called expanding time). This repeated alternating increases tension by suggesting that the pursued is not likely to escape, but he may. The faster pace suggests speed and high action, while slower pace suggests drama. Both can be used effectively in a chase sequence.
The chase in storyboard