Review the district standards-based report card action plan. Develop an understanding of what "trimester“ means. Determine a district common vocabulary term for the “proficiency rubrics.” Determine how PASS teams will present the action plan/information to their staff on in-service day. Build an awareness of the rubric development process (if time).
Teachers will assess student progress with a different rubric for each trimester – the rubrics will reflect benchmarks that are expected at the end of each trimester. Reporting period? Are all schools reporting 3x/year?
The last few months as we discussed SBRCs, the term commonly used has been… Proficiency Rubrics Teachers/staff have referred to it as other things in addition to Proficiency Rubrics. Do you want to keep the term “Proficiency Rubrics” or create a different common vocabulary term?
Count off by 3’s. Get into groups. Brainstorm a list of a terms at your table. If you like one of the terms already listed, use that term as one of your brainstormed terms. 3 minutes Add your terms to the chart paper in front. If your term is already listed, please put a tally mark behind the term to indicate your choice.
Has this been decided? Proposed Dates? June TIE’s Role? Specific tasks? Develop rubrics, peer review on what’s already done Take 5 min. at your table and jot down ideas on how you would like to see TIE’s role at this training August or Pre-Inservice Roll-out/sharing?
In what ways can we share this information with our staff on in-service day?
Defines quality for teachers Describes quality for students & parents Judgments are more objective, consistent, and accurate Focuses on teaching/learning Rubric use influences the design Tracks student learning Formative Assessment!!! Page 200, Doing it Right, Doing it Well
Step 1: Establish OUR knowledge base Step 2: Gather samples of student performance Step 3: Sort student work by level of quality Step 4: Describe the features of the work at each level. Step 5: Cluster the reasons into traits Step 6: Identify sample performance that illustrate each level Stiggins, Arter, Chappuis, Chappuis
SauceCheese CrustPepperoni Jalapenos Olives
1. Look at all 5 pizzas 2. Arrange pizzas into 4 piles - order of highest quality to lowest quality. 3. List the characteristics which determine the level of quality on the back of each sheet. 4. Discuss any discrepancies with your elbow partner so you can come to consensus.
A way to introduce levels of performance. Take this activity to the next level to develop an in-depth understanding of WHAT quality looks like and the VALIDITY of quality.
Remind teachers to look at the BIG picture. If they say, “I don’t like pepperoni” or “I’m a vegetarian,” they will score the pizza low. You will have these situations/discussions in the proficiency rubric development at which point the GROUP must determine what quality “looks like.” Remember to be unbiased and fair.