20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs Real Solutions for Real Needs Rob Curtin February 24, 2010 National Summit on Emergency Management and Assistive Technology Reutilization February 23-24, 2010
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP: 20 Years of Accommodations 1990: CAP was established as DoD’s centrally funded program to provide accommodations 2000: Expanded by Congress to include Non-DoD Federal agencies 2004: Wounded Service Member Initiative established Over 81,500 accommodations CAP Mission To provide assistive technology and accommodations to ensure people with disabilities and wounded service members have equal access to the information environment and opportunities in the Department of Defense and throughout the Federal government Goal: To promote the Recruitment, Placement, Promotion and Retention of employees with disabilities
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs Assistive Technology and Services Dexterity Impairments Alternative keyboards, input devices and voice recognition software Vision Loss Screen readers, Braille terminals, magnification software, CCTV’s Hearing Loss Assistive listening devices (ALDs), personal amplification devices, TTYs, videophones, captioning services Cognitive Impairments/TBI Cueing/memory aids, literacy software, screen readers and ALDs CAP Technology Evaluation Center (CAPTEC) Assists individuals and supervisors in choosing appropriate computer and electronic accommodations
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP Assists in Disaster Relief September 11, 2001 Provided assistive technology to federal employees at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Hurricane Katrina Provided assistive technology to federal employees in the Gulf Coast Region
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP Assists in Disaster Relief: Case Study A budget analyst working in the Managerial/Accounting Division, Department of the Army at the Pentagon was injured on the job in an explosion on her second day on the job. Her job included research analysis, and crunching numbers using Excel spreadsheets. The explosion left her badly burned, the loss of her ears, feet and fingers. A long recuperation and rehabilitation would be needed. Total cost of accommodations: $5,131.00
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs “CAP Goes Green” Initiative Objectives Reduce unnecessary AT purchasing and paper usage. Reuse AT with other employees or offices. Recycle used materials and equipment. Buy Green, including energy star and efficient products. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Buy Green.
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs AT Reuse through GSAXcess® Any AT with no use to CAP is reported to the General Services Administration (GSA) as excess through their website for property reutilization: Property can be viewed and requested by other federal agencies Property can be searched for by category or location Pictures can be included in property report
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs Computers For Learning All computer equipment reported to GSAXcess® is automatically allocated to their Computers For Learning (CFL) program. Eligibility Requirements: Must be located in the US, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the Northern Mariana Islands. A school is eligible if it is public, private, or parochial, serving pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students. An educational nonprofit is eligible if it meets ALL of the following criteria: Be tax exempt under section 501(C) of the U.S. tax code, AND Serve some portion of the pre-kindergarten through grade 12 population, AND Operate primarily for the purpose of education.
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP’s AT Reuse Success Stories October 2009 Transferred two CCTV's to the Victory Innovative Christian Academy in Virginia Beach, VA and to the Springfield Estates Elementary School in Springfield, VA. November 2009 Completed the transfer of two Braille Embossers to the Iowa State Prison Industries that are now being used by inmates to Braille library cards for the Library of Congress.
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs
20 Years Providing Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP Is Accessible CAP Office (Voice) (TTY) (Videophone) CAPTEC (Voice) (TTY) Webwww.tricare.mil/cap