Science Research Group 4 Project
As IB Science students, you have the unique opportunity to work on a research project that steps outside the boundaries of the traditional class curriculum. The Collaborative Research Project is an interdisciplinary endeavor. Our goal is to develop and implement an investigation that combines areas of both Biology and Physics. Such an investigation has the potential to open your eyes to applications of the sciences that you may never have considered.
Collaborative Research Projects will culminate in: Written report Poster Oral presentation
Progression of Research Project Area of Interest Question Measureable Doable Hypothesis Variables Research Design Take Enough Data!!!
Progression of Research Project Execute Investigation Data Analysis Graphs Statistical Analysis Final Write-Up Research Paper Poster Presentations @ Symposium
Objectives for Day 1 Introduction to the project Meet in small groups containing students from both classes “Brain Storm” project ideas
Guidelines Allow everyone in the group to have input. Elect a group leader that ensures everyone is heard. Limit suggestions to projects that can be done in a high school laboratory, at a reasonable cost, and in the allotted time period. Learn from one another!
Objectives for Day 2 Meet in small groups containing students from both classes Present project ideas Explain the research topic Explain the biology component of each idea Explain the physics component of each idea
Guidelines Allow everyone in the group to have input. Elect a group leader that ensures everyone is heard. Limit suggestions to projects that can be done in a high school laboratory, at a reasonable cost, and in the allotted time period. Learn from one another!
Objectives Day 3 Draw teams and topics. Begin to brainstorm Research question Hypothesis Experimental design
Each team is responsible for: Scheduling its own meetings Keeping minutes of all meetings Organizing equipment and workers Collecting pertinent data Analyzing data in an appropriate fashion
Data Analysis Now you’ve got data……. ……so what does it mean?
Data Analysis Your conclusions must be supported by statistical analysis! This will tell you whether your results can be viewed as significant, or whether your results are likely just crass chance. Which statistical analysis should you do? What do you want to find out?
Data Analysis Analyzing the difference between two sample means “t” test Is there a significant difference between this average and that average?
Data Analysis Analyzing the difference between more than two sample means Analysis of Variance Compares the variance within the samples to the variance between the samples
Data Analysis Analyzing the relationship between two factors Coefficient of Correlation How does one variable change as the other variable changes?
Data Analysis Determining if the actual frequency differs significantly from the expected frequency Chi Square Test
Writing Up The Research Title Should be descriptive
Writing Up The Research Abstract Purpose Procedure Data Analysis Results
Writing Up The Research Introduction Provide background information Review other work on the subject Citing literary research is a must!
Writing Up The Research Materials and Methods Paragraph form Sketches should be placed near the related text Briefly account for time
Writing Up The Research Results Brief description of results Cite results of statistical analysis
Writing Up The Research Discussion Interpret your Results Refer back to Introduction Compare to published data results (with proper citation) Suggestions for further research
Writing Up The Research Acknowledgements Sources of materials Use of facilities Help of participants
Writing Up The Research Literature Cited Proper format Must actually be “cited”
Presenting the Research Poster Presentation Proper Sections Role of both sciences? Data Uncertainty Diagrams Clearly labeled (free-body if appropriate) Statistical Analysis Decision values (critical value for r or values from t-table)
Presenting the Research Introduction Introduce researchers Give title
Presenting the Research Brief History Pertinent background info – cite literature How did you get the idea? Lead audience up to the hypothesis.
Presenting the Research Methodology Experimental Design Special Apparatus Statistical Analysis
Presenting the Research Results Professionally Presented Correct labels, units, significant digits, etc.
Presenting the Research Conclusions Did the data support or reject the hypothesis? New questions and suggestions for further research Any negative results?
Presenting the Research Solicit and Answer Audience Questions Direct Confident Honest No Excuses Acknowledge suggestions