1 VT Reuse Leaps and Bounds “ with a little help from our friends…” 2007 through Aug 2009with a little help from our friends September 15, 2009 Sharon Alderman Assistive Technology Reuse Project Coordinator phone: toll free:
2 Goals of AT Act Programs Work to improve access to and the acquisition of AT for increased independence in 4 functional areas of life across all ages Education Employment Community Living Information Tech & Telecommunications
3 Vermont’s focus for AT Reuse Access Acquisition through collaboration 1. Community exchange and networking, 2. School exchange, professional consultation, 3. VT Medicaid to reuse/recycle AT-DME
4 Vermont Stakeholders THE WHO: VocRehabVermont Vermont AT Program Vermont Family Network Vermont Medicaid THE HOW: Applied for demo grant Committed to find alternative funding Received MIG funding
5 Vermont’s focus for AT Reuse Success through collaboration From an idea born at the 2006 AT Reuse Conference New England programs began collaborating to create the regional AT Exchange CT, ME, MA, RI, NH, VT We continue our collaboration thru teleconferences and regional meetings which have become forums for all things AT.
6 VT AT Reuse Began with Vermont officially began using getATstuff.com in February 2007.getATstuff.com Hired a coordinator in late October Focused on developing relationships, gathering information, networking and collaborating - locally and nationally with existing state reuse programs and non-profits, who provided equipment reuse services.
Marketing Results Donation of $285,000 of new and used DME Partnership with a non-profit to house & distribute Significant increase in use of getATstuff.com service Participation and collaboration with existing reuse non-profits Increased requests for presentations about services
8 Reutilization Data to Date
9 2007 Items - $98,361 savings Items – $542,138 savings Customer satisfaction near 100% Reutilization Data to Date
10 Why Collaboration in New England? Consumers could search one location – and travel easily as New England is so small. AT Act Program Regional meetings were possible It grew to sharing of: Materials, Knowledge, Action plans, Savings in web-site development
11 Teamwork! How about a School Exchange MassMatch joined in!! CT Lead the way! ME lead to ATIA!! 16 Districts and counting
12 Vermont’s AT School Swap 16 Districts/Supervisory Unions participating Enthusiasm remains high – slow growth Districts getting equipment via getATstuff.com Further Teleconferences and meetings planned Initial Web-site and logo courtesy of CT
13 Invaluable contributions Kansas’ AT Program accomplishments, resources and materials shared thoughtfully and readily. Jessica Brodey, JMB policy, “ditto” Both provided consultation with our AAG and OVHA Pass It On Center Webinars and Knowledge Base increase awareness, knowledge and sharing All New England Partners – Pure Gold !!!
14 Thank you for joining us! We are happy to share materials Sharon Alderman VT AT Reuse Project Coordinator Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living 103 South Main Street - Weeks 113 Waterbury, VT Phone: Toll Free: TTY: Fax: or Julie Tucker VT Assistive Technology Program Director Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living 103 South Main Street Waterbury, VT Phone: Toll Free: TTY: Fax: Printing of this material supported by the VT Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (11-P /04) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in collaboration with the Vermont Assistive Technology Program and Vermont Family Network.