The NEAT model
The New England Assistive Technology Center is a full service AT center located in Hartford, Ct. Established in 2001 Operates a 24,000 sq. ft. facility Includes a state of the art computer lab where a professional development program is housed
AT Lending Library AT evaluations and consults Blind Services Aging in Place evaluations Durable Medical Equipment Reutilization (ERC)
Established in 2002 in a back garage Sold 57 pieces of equipment the first year. We sold over 1500 last year. Fee for service model. Equipment is deeply discounted. Revenues of approximately $100,000 per year. NEAT is a 501c non- profit. This revenue helps support sustainability.
Currently 3.5 FTE’s Ongoing volunteer help ERC manager RESNA certified ATP Staff routinely attend vendor based in-services-InvaCare, Sunrise Medical, etc. Staff attend national and regional conferences concerning DME (MedTrade)
NEAT does not play the role of the “expert” when matching customers to equipment. We strongly encourage our customers to utilize their PT, OT, or appropriate clinical staff when making purchase decisions. Higher end equipment is sold via our DME vendor network. They are responsible for seating assessments, modifications, and ongoing service.
Data collected from sales most popular DME Categories
We carry (via our parent organization) a 10 million dollar umbrella policy. A liability waiver form is signed by all customers for all purchases. We operate on a 30 day return policy. If the match is not right, despite the best of intentions, we refund the sale.
The NEAT Center at Oak Hill 120 Holcomb Street Hartford, Ct