Fort Worth Backyard Butterflies June - July 2007
These butterflies have been observed and photographed in our backyard garden on Shirley in Fort Worth over June and early July We have observed and identified 22 species so far. But there are still many other butterfly species that have been reported in Tarrant Country for us to watch for. We used our Minolta D-500 digital camera with resolution set to 2048 x We have identified the butterflies from the excellent website Butterflies and Moths of North America hosted and maintained by the Big Sky Institute at Montana State University and the NBII Mountain Prairie Information Node. Sonja and C. A. Quarles
Gulf Fritillary
Bordered Patch
Texan Crescent
Tropical Buckeye
Pearl Crescent
Eastern Comma
Red Admiral
American Lady
Hackberry Emperor
Horace’s Duskywing Skipper
Gray Hairstreak
Cabbage White
Unidentified Sulfur
Pipevine Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Spicebush Swallowtail
Giant Swallowtail