Active Reading Strategies Making the Invisible Visible
Predict Questions: What will happen next? How will it end? Does the author give clues? (foreshadow) Sentence starters: I predict that... because... In the next chapter or section...
Visualize Questions: What do the characters look like? Sound like? Where does the story take place? (setting) Can I see the events playing out? Can I see details? Sentence starters: When I try to imagine... I see...
Connect Questions: What do I already know? (prior knowledge) How are my experiences similar to the experiences described in the text? Does anything in the text remind me of other stories I have read? Movies I have seen? Ideas I have heard about? Sentence starters: When... it reminds me of... because... I learned about... in...
Question Questions:Who?What?Where?When?Why?How? Sentence starters: I wonder why...? I wonder what it means when...? Why does/doesn’t the character... ? How is concept/idea related to...
Clarify Questions: Have I discovered answers to my questions? Do I understand something that I did not understand previously? Do I need to reread? Do I need to access outside sources and do some research? Sentence starters: This what I think is really going on here... What this really means is... I now know why... I researched... and it help me understand...
Evaluate Questions: Do I have any opinions? What is important? Why is it important? What is the “big picture”? Sentence starters: In my opinion... I think... I felt... when is important because...
What is my job? Read for 30 minutes each day Read for 1.5 hours on the weekends (incl. Fri.) Complete a Reading Log entry for each reading session Demonstrate use of at least 3 strategies per reading session (vary strategies) Include date, title of book, pages read, amount of time for session, responses, parent signature (get signature Sun. night for the previous week’s work—write on one side of paper only)