Knox County Schools Transition to RTI2 Fall 2013 Michelle starts Each introduce with name and job titles and role with RTI Shannon explain the need for the coordinated effort.
Presenters Dr. Ron Carlini Michelle Flynn Shannon Jackson School Psychologist Michelle Flynn Supervisor- Special Education Shannon Jackson Supervisor – Secondary Reading and ELA
Session Objective To provide an understanding of Knox County School System’s current and progressing implementation of RTI To share the transition from RTI to RTI2 Michelle
WHY RTI rather than discrepancy model? Ron
Criticisms of previous LD model (IQ-Achievement Discrepancy) Children must fail before they can be identified as LD, with identification typically occurring in grades 3-5 IQ and academic achievement are not independent; so difference scores are unreliable For students with word reading deficits, there are few meaningful differences between IQ-achievement discrepant poor readers and IQ-achievement consistent poor readers Significant increases in the number of students identified as Learning Disabled Ron
School-Wide Systems for Student Success Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures 1-5% 1-5% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 5-10% 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Ron SAY: One of the most important organizing components of PBS is the establishment of a continuum of behavior support that considers all students and emphasizes prevention. This logic of this 3-tiered approach is derived from the public health approach to disease prevention. All students and staff should be exposed formally and in an on-going manner to primary prevention interventions. Primary prevention is provided to all students and focuses on giving students the necessary pro-social skills that prevents the establishment and occurrence of problem behavior. If done systemically and comprehensively, a majority of students are likely to be affected. Some students will be unresponsive or unsupported by primary prevention, and more specialized interventions will be required. One form of assistance is called secondary prevention, and is characterized by instruction that is more specific and more engaging. These interventions can be standardized to be applied similarly and efficiently across a small number of students. The goal of secondary prevention is to reduce/prevent the likelihood of problem behavior occurrences, and to enable these students to be supported by the school-wide PBS effort. If primary prevention is in place, a small proportion of students will require highly individualized and intensive interventions. The goal or tertiary level interventions is to reduce the intensity, complexity, and impact of the problem behaviors displayed by these students by providing supports that are (a) function-based, (b) contextually appropriate and person-centered, (c) strength-based and instructionally oriented, (d) continuously evaluated and enhanced, and (e) linked to the school-wide PBS approach. Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive 80-90% 80-90%
Whole Child Initiative = Whole System Initiative RTI RTI2 Often viewed as a Special Education Initiative Led by General Education to address the needs of all children Implications Ron Coordinated effort Learning each other’s vocabulary Commitment to studying data for every child Commitment to responding to the data for every child We are in this together for the good of every child.
Essential Components of RTI Universal screening Multiple tiers of intervention Problem-solving method Integrated data collection/assessment system Scientific research-based interventions Ron
Essential Components of RTI2 Universal screening Multiple tiers of intervention Tier I: Core Instruction Tier II: Intervention Tier III: Intensive Intervention Responsibility for Intervention Problem-solving method Integrated data collection/assessment system Scientific research-based interventions Shannon Strengthen partnerships Joint effort
Implementing RTI Collect local norms using Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) probes Identify at-risk students Provide academic intervention(s) Monitor student progress Evaluate the response to the intervention(s) Ron
Implementing RTI2 Collect local norms using Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) probes All students’ levels are identified. Provide academic extensions and intervention(s) Use universal screening data to determine areas to strengthen in Core Instruction. Monitor student progress Evaluate the response to the intervention(s) Develop a robust secondary RTI2 plan. Shannon
Knox County’s RTI Model Local norms collected three times per year At-Risk students identified using CBM Benchmark measures Computer software programs and scripted reading program interventions available Intervention intensity progressively increases through 2 tiers and student progress is monitored frequently Response to intervention is reviewed by school staff to make appropriate decisions Ron’s slide
Knox County’s RTI2 Model Local norms collected three times per year ALL students’ levels identified using benchmark measures Current and new interventions are under review against the TDOE interventions rubric Intervention intensity is fluid based on student needs RTI2 school teams meet every 4 ½ - 5 weeks to analyze and program for specific students. RTI2 district team meets every 4 ½- 5 weeks to analyze implementation and to provide support. Make this point- KCS is not responding to this as a mandate with which we must comply. Meeting the needs of every student is our mission, and RTI2 gives us a structure through which to achieve that goal. Shannon
First Steps Understand the current implementation of RTI. Analyze against RTI2. Identify gaps in the program. Develop a strategic plan for addressing the areas of need. Monitor the progress toward the goal. Work as a team. Michelle
Knox County’s RTI Model Student CBM ≥ 10th Percentile Positive response – exit process HIGH Special Education Consideration Intensity of Intervention Tier II At least 4 - 45 minute sessions/week Ron This is KCS’s current model. How does this align with RTI2 model? 1) Additional tier 2) We need more fluidity among the tiers 3)Identify students below the 10th percentile and between the 10th and 25th percentile. Tier I At least 4 – 30 minute sessions/week Student CBM < 10th Percentile AND ROI < 25th Percentile Monitoring Frequency & Degree of Unresponsiveness LOW HIGH
Tier I CBM Criterion: CBM score < 10th percentile (district norms) Intervention: supplemental to the core curriculum Progress Monitoring: 1 time/week Session Length: 30 minutes/session Duration: At least 8 Weeks Fidelity: 30 sessions within 40 school days Ron
Tier II CBM Criterion: CBM score < 10th percentile (district norms) ROI Criterion: Rate of improvement is < 25th percentile at grade or goal level Intervention: supplemental to the core curriculum Progress Monitoring: 1 time/week Session Length: 45 minutes/session Duration: At least 9 weeks Fidelity: 45 sessions within 70 school days Ron
Transition Process for KCS Identify new members of district team Evaluate proposed middle school schedule changes against RTI2 components Meet with principals to gather input Recommend interventions Support master scheduling Principals and supervisor review possible solutions Order intervention materials Train on interventions Monitor fidelity Continually meet to review integrity of the plan Shannon
RTI2 Coaches 8 district coaches Bridge between the schools and the district committee Goal is to support school staff Universal screener Progress monitoring Professional Development Michelle
Intervention Elementary Secondary RiverDeep Destination Success Reading Read Naturally ClickN Read My Sidewalks Ticket to Read Voyager Passport Rewards Reading Plus Read 180 Language! Live Language! Jamestown Michelle Each of the interventions that we use have different areas of focus. Regardless of which tier the student is in, the intervention must match the student’s needs and should be provided by highly-trained staff. The interventions should be explicit and systematic. And be based on current data. All interventions should also be researched based and produce reliable and valid results.
Fidelity of Interventions In order to know if an intervention is effective with a student, the intervention must be conducted exactly as prescribed for an appropriate length of time. The intervention process is similar to standardized testing. Results of standardized tests are useless if the standardized procedures are not followed. Similarly, decisions regarding the effect of the intervention must be based on data from interventions which were provided with fidelity. Michelle Fidelity of any intervention is essential when determining the effectiveness of the intervention. The person providing the intervention must use the curricula exactly the way the author intended for it to be used in order for the results to be used when making educational decisions for a student. LEAs must have a process for monitoring the fidelity of the interventions that are being utilized. This process needs to include who will be monitoring the fidelity and how often. The process should also include what support will be provided if an intervention is not being provided with fidelity.
Progress Monitoring and Benchmarking
The chart displays the student’s progress in corrects and errors. The goal line (the line which projects the goal being met by the end date) is the black line. The trend line (the line which shows the scores projecting whether the student will meet the goal by the end date) is the red line.
Monitoring the Trend Line It is extremely important to monitor the trend line in order to make adjustments or add interventions needed to maintain appropriate progress needed to achieve the goal.
Comparison to School Norms
Comparison to District Norms
Comparison to School Norms
Comparison to District Norms
RTI to RTI2 What remains the same? What changes? Fidelity monitoring Progress monitoring Student-specific data driven decision-making School teams Core Instruction = Tier I Prevent failure rather than wait for it Reconsideration of secondary process Student observations Schedule of progress monitoring and benchmarking Fluid process Partnership among departments Michelle
Three Points to Remember Work as a team. Improve personalization in Tier I (core). Celebrate success along the way.
Thank you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Dr. Ron Carlini at Michelle Flynn at Shannon Jackson at Michelle