MathOnMonday® Presents: Building Math Courage® A program designed for Adults or Kids who have struggled to learn their Math in the traditional classroom! Lesson 001 Toe Multiplication Dirk M. Horton
Toe Multiplication 9 x Count Total Toes Below Line =8 Left Toes Above =1 Right Toes Above =1 9 x 9 = 8 x x 1 = 81
Toe Multiplication 8 x Count Total Toes Below Line =6 Left Toes Above =2 Right Toes Above =2 8 x 8 = 6 x x 2 = 64
Toe Multiplication 7 x Count Total Toes Below Line =4 Left Toes Above =3 Right Toes Above =3 7 x 7 = 4 x x 3 = 49
Toe Multiplication 6 x Count Total Toes Below Line =2 Left Toes Above =4 Right Toes Above =4 6 x 6 = 2 x x 4 = 36
Toe Multiplication 9 x Count Total Toes Below Line =7 Left Toes Above =1 Right Toes Above =2 9 x 8 = 7 x x 2 = 72
Toe Multiplication 9 x Count Total Toes Below Line =6 Left Toes Above =1 Right Toes Above =3 9 x 7 = 6 x x 3 = 63
Toe Multiplication 9 x Count Total Toes Below Line =5 Left Toes Above =1 Right Toes Above =4 9 x 6 = 5 x x 4 = 54
Toe Multiplication 8 x Count Total Toes Below Line =5 Left Toes Above =2 Right Toes Above =3 8 x 7 = 5 x x 3 = 56
Toe Multiplication 8 x Count Total Toes Below Line =4 Left Toes Above = 2 Right Toes Above =4 8 x 6 = 4 x x 4 = 48
Toe Multiplication 7 x Count Total Toes Below Line =3 Left Toes Above = 3 Right Toes Above =4 7 x 6 = 3 x x 4 = 42
Toe Multiplication Have fun with this process! Advanced students can try to figure out why this works! Warning! Don’t try to bend your feet this way. This will result in serious ankle injury for most people. Use your hands instead with thumbs up. Remember: 8 x 6 = 6 x 8 so always start with the larger number.