ECOLOGY The study of interactions of organisms and their environment
Levels of Organization Individual Organisms (Species) Populations Communities Ecosystems Biosphere
Organisms/Species A human (Homo sapien) Deer Piranaha Worm Bigfoot?
Populations Same species living in same area Species? -can breed and produce offspring that can have babies
Communities Coral Reef Cedar swamp Vernal pool
Ecosystems Tropical rainforest Desert Temperate deciduous forest (ours) Ponds Coral reef
Physical Conditions ABIOTIC - non-living Sunlight Water Temperature Soil Wind Disturbance BIOTIC - living things Bacteria Protists Fungus Plants Animals
PRODUCER - an organism that makes its own food (autotroph) - becomes food for other organisms.
CONSUMER - organism that obtains food by eating others (producers or other consumers)
DECOMPOSER - organism that breaks down wastes and dead organisms
HERBIVORE - consumer that eats only producers.
OMNIVORE - consumer that eats both producers and consumers (plants, fungi, and meat)
CARNIVORE - consumer that eats only other consumers (exclusively meat-eaters)
FOOD CHAIN - pathway of food transfer from one trophic level to another.
FOOD WEB -pattern of feeding in an ecosystem consisting of interconnected and branching food chains
Energy Pyramid
Primary Succession The development of brand new land – (volcano created new land)
Secondary Succession A once established forest is destroyed and has to start growth over. For example a forest fire
Mutualism Both species benefit
Commensalism One species benefits the other gets nothing
Parasitism One species harms another Think parasite
Predation Predator Prey – One eats the other