3 rd IMPACT WORKSHOP Brembo-Adda test case Fabrizio Savi, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
On November due to heavy rainfalls in Alpine Region (Northern Italy) a significant flood propagated along Adda river and inundated a wide portion of the riverside and the city of Lodi
Description of the hydrographic network L=131 km L=50 km L=98 km
Stream gauging stations
For each gauging station Semi-hourly water stages hydrographs Rating curve are available
Maximum water levels during flood were also measured in 117 points
Flooded areas by Adda river were also contoured
Land surveys
The values of the Manning roughness coefficient can be estimated on the basis: maps of the soil use in the floodplain mean particle size of the river bed material photographs of revetments
Conclusions Input data: Discharge hydrographs at the upstream sections of hydrographic network (XLS format) Stages hydrograph at the downstream section of hydrographic network (XLS format) Cross sections (including Manning roughness coefficient) (XLS-ASCII format) DTM of the valleys (DWG format) Data to verify the model: Stages hydrograph at intermediate section (XLS) Maximum observed water stages along the water courses (XLS format) Extension of the inundated areas (along Adda river) (DWG format)