Walking wisely in an ungodly world Principles found in King Hezekiah’s Life and Reign
Greatest king Judah ever had (v5) 2 Kings 18: Kings 18: 1-8 Second only to David in greatness. Second only to David in greatness. He lived by certain principles which set him apart from the other kings He lived by certain principles which set him apart from the other kings What does wisdom look like in the midst of an ungodly world? What does wisdom look like in the midst of an ungodly world?
He decided to follow God (v2) Every decision he made as King was predicated on his decision to follow God in all his ways. Every decision he made as King was predicated on his decision to follow God in all his ways. He was made king at age of 25 He was made king at age of 25 1Tm 4:12 “don’t let anyone despise your youth” 1Tm 4:12 “don’t let anyone despise your youth” Martin Luther was 25 Billy Sunday, 20’s Martin Luther was 25 Billy Sunday, 20’s Billy Graham was 22Patrick Henry was 26. Billy Graham was 22Patrick Henry was 26.
His deeds were righteous (v3) His devotion to God kept him operating in the fear of the Lord rather than the appraisals of man His devotion to God kept him operating in the fear of the Lord rather than the appraisals of man Our “fears” are based on the quality of knowledge of God Our “fears” are based on the quality of knowledge of God Who/what do you “fear” Who/what do you “fear” Be still and KNOW that I am God Be still and KNOW that I am God
He took a stand against sin (v4) He took ALL the idols out in the groves and destroyed them. He took ALL the idols out in the groves and destroyed them. Idolatry: When we find our comfort, security, contentedness or moral standing in anything or anyone other than God and His Word Idolatry: When we find our comfort, security, contentedness or moral standing in anything or anyone other than God and His Word What are your idols? (we all have them) What are your idols? (we all have them)
He trusted God (v5) He takes responsibility for his life/actions He takes responsibility for his life/actions Hezekiah blames no one for what happened around him. Because his trust is in God, he does not labor under a victim or martyr mentality Hezekiah blames no one for what happened around him. Because his trust is in God, he does not labor under a victim or martyr mentality Pretty remarkable given his father was an evil king who led Judah into wickedness. Pretty remarkable given his father was an evil king who led Judah into wickedness.
He was devoted to God(v6) Devotion: clave – a military term. Soldiers were trained to never let go of their sword. They developed a fierce grip. Devotion: clave – a military term. Soldiers were trained to never let go of their sword. They developed a fierce grip. “…and many a soldier gave his hand to war” “…and many a soldier gave his hand to war” How fierce is your “grip” on God? How fierce is your “grip” on God?
He was determined to stay the course (v7) Neither prosperity or adversity dictated his choices - he would not bow/serve the enemy Neither prosperity or adversity dictated his choices - he would not bow/serve the enemy Jesus told his disciples they’d have trouble in this world, BUT “I have overcome…” Jesus told his disciples they’d have trouble in this world, BUT “I have overcome…” Are you exercising your authority? Are you exercising your authority?
The challenge…. What constitutes “greatness & success” to you? What constitutes “greatness & success” to you? Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to stand strong in the difficult times, and stand “gracious” in the good times? Are you willing to stand strong in the difficult times, and stand “gracious” in the good times?
Be blessed… 2 Cor 1:12 “…we have conducted ourselves in the world… in the holiness & sincerity that are from God. We have done so not according to worldly wisdom, but according to God’s grace” 2 Cor 1:12 “…we have conducted ourselves in the world… in the holiness & sincerity that are from God. We have done so not according to worldly wisdom, but according to God’s grace” Phil 3:3 “…we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ, put no confidence in the flesh…” Phil 3:3 “…we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ, put no confidence in the flesh…”