Mt 8:23-27 Finding peace in the storm. We can usually predict a storm – we give names to them because of their significance/impact. Storms: a metaphor.


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Jesus Makes a Difference in a Stormy Life
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Presentation transcript:

Mt 8:23-27 Finding peace in the storm

We can usually predict a storm – we give names to them because of their significance/impact. Storms: a metaphor for hardships, difficulties, tragedies, even worse-case scenarios. Mt 5:45 – Rain falls on both the righteous and unrighteous, so we know storms will come. Mt 8:23 – the disciples followed Jesus right into a storm. Did they do something wrong? NO…they were obedient. The unexpected storm…

This one was bad. Seasoned sailors were freaking out. Storm – same root word as for earthquake. Mark’s gospel, it’s a whirlwind of water totally covering and swamping the boat. Where was Jesus? Sleeping…. Ps 121:4 – “He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.” Storms will come into our lives

Lord, save us! Where are you? Why is this happening? Prayer must be honest, not sanitized. **The shrieking of the storm didn’t wake Jesus, BUT the cry of His beloved did! After exhausting all their efforts, they cry out. Sometimes the Lord let’s us get to the end of ourselves so we realize HE is our only Hope. Ps 91:14-15 – We call, He hears, He answers We cry out in the midst of storms

“Where there are no trials, there will be no triumphs.” CS Lewis Difficulties teach us things we can never learn any other way. Ps 23: He takes us through the valley; fruit doesn’t grow on mountaintops, but in valleys. We are never alone & God is able to bring us through the storm. God’s purposes in a storm

Distinguish between disciple/punishment. Heb 12:5 – discipline reminds us we’re His kids. Ps 23 – The rod and staff comfort me (reminds me I’m still His even when I’m astray). Jonah, a reluctant prophet who disobeyed, got corrected. The Lord allows us to reap what we sow so we’ll stop sinning…we don’t like hurting! First kind of storm: Correcting

Jn’s account of feeding of 5,000 coincides with Mt 14:22 – People wanted Jesus to be their King. Jesus got the disciples into the boat and a storm – to protect them from themselves. Be thankful the Lord doesn’t answer all our prayers in the affirmative. “Lord, if you really loved me You would…..” Sometimes the thing we want now have the potential to destroy us, and we don’t see it. Second kind of storm: Protecting

2 Cor 4:17-18 – the singular objective of our faith is to be transformed into the image of Jesus. Heb 10:38 – Don’t be someone who shrinks back and tarnishes the name of Jesus. **Our response to storms: God’s up to something. How can I showcase Him to others? Our lives are on display. People are watching our responses. How can I point others to Jesus? Our lives are on display. People are watching our responses. How can I point others to Jesus? Third kind of storm: Perfecting

Mt 4:35 – “Let us go to the other side.” He didn’t promise smooth sailing BUT He did promise a safe arrival. Is 43:2+ - The Lord says, I WILL be with you. Jesus spoke to the winds and sea: “Peace, be still!” He was speaking to the power behind the storm. Be still – Gr meaning is “be muzzled.” Jesus is in the storm…

Want a nice cruise only to sink in the middle of the ocean? Or A cruise that has some turbulence from time to time, but has a glorious landing on the other side that will blow your mind! The challenge…

Jude 1:24 “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling (staggering, falling apart) in the presence of His glory, blameless w/great joy.” Phil 1:6 “I am confident…that He who began a good work in you will perfect (mature) it…” Heb 12:2 “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” Rom 8:26 “…all things work together for good to those who love the Lord & are called according to HIS purposes.” Promises in the storm