Commissioning Development Programme Building choice of high quality support for commissioners Commissioning Support Services Tests for Business Intelligence,


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Presentation transcript:

Commissioning Development Programme Building choice of high quality support for commissioners Commissioning Support Services Tests for Business Intelligence, Healthcare (Clinical) Procurement and Business Support ‘At Scale’ Services 4 th April 2012

APRIL Background 2.National Infrastructure Service Areas 3.Scope 4.Timetable 5.Areas to be Assessed (High Level) Contents

APRIL Checkpoint 2 is one of the most critical parts of the business planning and assurance process for Commissioning Support Services (CSS). It will provide CCGs with a confident assessment of CSS development, underpinned by principles of transparency, objectivity, proportionality and accountability and as such, provides the foundation for secure development to fully commercially viable CSSs. CSSs with business intelligence, healthcare (clinical) procurement and business support components as part of their model are expected to set out their working assumptions for these components within their OBP (it is expected that only some CSS will provide these scale offers). Those that propose to supply these scale offers will be subject to additional separate tests in May. The “May” tests include:  Ability to deliver against defined standards (currently under development with CSS and BDU reps)  That the cost structure is appropriate and sustainable  That there is the capability to deliver quality and the right expertise across appropriate scale This pack sets out the approach for the May tests including the scope of ‘At scale’ offers, timetable for sharing the criteria for assessment and the high level areas the assessment will focus on Background

APRIL National scale teams Sub- national scale teams Local NHS CSSs CCGs ‘Business to Business’‘Business to Customer’ Business intelligence services: Building on some of the excellent NHS and more commercial services that already exist across the country. Consider ways to use capacity and specialist skills more effectively Business support functions: functions like IT, HR and payroll etc Healthcare (clinical) procurement service: Stocktake identified gaps in capacity and capability of current services. Solution seeks to build on existing specialist procurement capability in an efficient and effective manner, using a set of standards to benchmark services Communications and engagement: critical functions, some delivered locally but others could be undertaken anywhere Managed modelFreemarket model Defined models Local CSS wishing to deliver BI services, healthcare (clinical) procurement and business support areas will be subject to an additional set of tests in May Communications and engagement nationwide service will be assured as a CSS in its own right National Infrastructure Areas

APRIL Healthcare (Clinical) Procurement Market management activities - Market engagement, market analysis, market development Procurement strategy/ activities - Procurement project management, commercial and procurement strategy development, technical advice including process compliance. These activities should include tools, process and techniques to deliver effective service specifications, negotiation strategies and the appropriate use of contract levers Business Intelligence Data management and Integration centres that provide data validation, integration and storage. The role of these centres is to cleanse, validate and link national and local data sets according to local rules and requirements to provide a meaningful conformed data for further analysis Business Support HR, payroll, procurement of goods and services, IM&T( Informatics) What’s in scope?

APRIL The assessment of CSS Outline Business Plans (including proposed Business Intelligence, Healthcare (Clinical) Procurement and Business Support services) will take place during April. Specific milestones relating to the May tests are : Key Milestones By 3 rd AprilBDU circulates high level criteria to be assessed in May (this document) [Focus groups will continue to co-design the detailed standards and benchmarks] By 13 th April BDU assess OBP’s and identify CSS proposing to offer BI, healthcare (clinical), procurement or business support functions By 30 th April BDU holds follow up discussions with CSS proposing ‘at scale’ service delivery By 30 th AprilBDU publish detailed assessment criteria for the May tests By 18 th MayBDU assess scale service national coverage and identify development needs By 31 st MayCSS submit detailed proposals for scale services, to include evidence against each standard/criteria By 15 th JuneBDU review CSS scale service submissions By 29 th JuneBDU identifies development /configuration options The following slides outline the key areas that will be subject to assessment in May for each of the scale services More detailed criteria will be published by 30 th April 212 Timetable

APRIL Standards The CSS can meet the technical standards necessary to provide nationally defined data model consistently Can meet (or have credible plan to meet) the technical accreditation process for an intelligence service (initially NHS standards and work towards ISO standards post 2013) Have the infrastructure to deliver these services in a timely and resilient manner Technical capability and operational processes to integrate and process different data sets (national and locally defined) in a timely quality assured manner Costs & Sustainability Can meet the benchmark cost structure for core services (range between 50p to £1 per head population for populations between 3M to 5M+) Any new investment required to establish the integration centre is subject to a business case review by BDU, the expectation is that infrastructure required for delivery of an at scale service is already available and that additional investment is minimised Capability & Capacity Has a delivery model that supports development, service management, IG, quality management and transaction processing Can access a dedicated team for informatics with technical roles including a qualified data architect who has responsibility and accountability for standards, data management and integration Has a track record for delivering commissioning information Has capacity and capability to develop commercial relationships with third parties and alliance partners Assessment Areas – Business Intelligence

APRIL Standards The CSS can meet the standards necessary to provide the nationally defined healthcare procurement offer (commercial/procurement advice, technical resilience, process management and market management development activities) Have the infrastructure to deliver these services in a timely and resilient manner in line with the stated business strategy Participation in formal professional development and accreditation to national NHS standards (currently under development) Costs & Sustainability The CSS will not be a significant outlier when benchmarked ( target range under development, for circulation in April) Can demonstrate expertise and experience to support ‘added value services’ beyond technical compliance and transactional processes in line with the stated business strategy Has robust and resilient electronic systems and systemised business processes in place to support a range of procurement/market interventions Capability & Capacity Has a delivery model that supports the stated business strategy in relation to healthcare procurement, including professional development, operational management and quality assurance of systems and business processes Has a dedicated team with clear operational management arrangements including senior accountability for service delivery within the CSS leadership Has capacity and capability to develop commercial relationships with third parties and alliance partners Assessment Areas – Healthcare (Clinical) Procurement

APRIL Standards  The CSS as sole provider, broker or part of partnership can meet private industry standards for provision of the proposed services  Can demonstrate a clear link between the service and the strategic objectives and requirements of the client(s), as well as the infrastructure to deliver the service in a timely, resilient and consistent manner Costs and Sustainability  Can meet private industry benchmarks for provision of the service  Can demonstrate quantitative benefits in terms of cost savings to the client through comparison of “before solution” and “after solution” scenarios, as well as proposed rate of savings realisation  Can demonstrate qualitative benefits as defined (partially or wholly) by the client(s) in terms of desired benefit, selection of success criteria, and relative weightings of each criteria in relation to importance for the business  Can map standards, costs, benefits, capacity and capability against each process in the scope of the service, to include general accounts, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, HR and any other included process  Has a clear evaluation process for measuring performance of the service to be defined and expanded upon within Service Level Agreements and commercial contracts Capacity and Capability  Can demonstrate an ability to deliver an appropriate service model through the right mix of experience and skills, whether it be through sole provision, brokered or partnership arrangements  Has clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in relation to the proposed service, and can demonstrate an effective plan for skills transfer where applicable  Can demonstrate capacity and capability to establish SLAs and commercial contracts with 3rd parties and partners CSS proposals for Business Support services should include a clear statement of the proposed service offer as well as any services to be excluded, for the avoidance of doubt. The following criteria will be used to assess the robustness of the proposed services Assessment Areas – Business Support (Back office)