Superfast broadband: your legacy starts today Bill Murphy, Managing Director, NGA BT Group
A transformational opportunity Enable local businesses to flourish Attract inward investment Improve home- working Encourage the young, skilled & professional to stay in the area Improve digital inclusion Reduce the cost and improve the provision of public services
Touching all aspects of Local Government Schools, colleges & Universities Private Sector – businesses large and small Health organisations Street Wardens Blue Light Communities Mobile Care Workers Home Workers Enterprise Zones Local Authority Age UK Digital education services centred around schools but extended to parent-participation and all citizens Digital education services centred around schools but extended to parent-participation and all citizens Enable and increase e-health services Putting more services online which can save money and raise service levels Improve home working capability Enable businesses to thrive and grow Enable businesses to thrive and grow Connected communities Reduce crime through improved security management systems Reduce crime through improved security management systems
Improve the provision of public services Healthcare Patients can self-monitor their health remotely and send reports back to healthcare professionals over their broadband connection Online appointments - videoconferencing allows patients to stay at home for their appointments Early warning signs that a patient’s health may be deteriorating can be more easily detected Superfast broadband makes this a seamless interaction and widespread possibility
Why are small businesses prospering? Improved productivity Cost savings Increased competitive edge Hosted & site based VoiP Improved video conferencing reduces need for travel Utilising more cloud computing resources Faster speeds Sending & receiving large files in seconds Improved home working capability Reliable service Carrying out bandwidth hungry tasks simultaneously Improved web presence Improved customer experience Expansion plans realised
The benefits speak for themselves Having super-fast broadband has opened our eyes to new ways of promoting ourselves to customers Rhiannon Fraser, Park Manager “ ” A family-owned holiday and retirement park in Perranarworthal, Cornwall Experiencing broadband speeds fifty times faster than previous connection Used to drive company accounts to the accountants in Falmouth, now they are ed almost instantaneously Installing CCTV cameras over the fast, stable Wi-Fi connection. Before super-fast the only option was the expensive alternative of digging trenches to fit hard-wired cameras Using their new high-speed wi-fi zone to attract new customers to the site We can now compete with the bigger guys but remain leaner and more flexible Seamus Breslin, Design Manager “ ” A print and design company Enjoying speeds 20 times faster than previous connection Saving two hours a day from being able to download large artwork and image files in five minutes instead of 15 minutes No need to invest in an expensive back-up facility as can now optimise use of the cloud Estimate savings of £7,500 a year on maintaining back-up systems, network and intranet
Commitment from the Government By 2015 In 2010 we heard… £830m public funding for superfast broadband in rural areas between now and 2017 Wave 1 announced : Highlands and Islands, North Yorkshire, Cumbria, Herefordshire 2011 saw… Wave 2 announced: Devon & Somerset, Norfolk, Wiltshire, Northamptonshire & Suffolk Remaining funding allocated “Our goal is simple: within this parliament we want Britain to have the best superfast broadband network in Europe” Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport 2012 is the year for delivery
BT: Connecting up the UK 2.5bn investment to bring superfast broadband to two-thirds of UK premises by end of 2014 This means slow spots could fall to as little as 2% of premises. BT is trialling alternative solutions such as white spaces, wireless and satellite to reduce this even further More than 8 million premises already passed A mix of fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) and fibre to the premise (FTTP) technology Connecting c.150,000 premises every week No other company in the world is investing as much in fibre without public sector support or a regulatory regime that allows for greater returns Laying 3 million kilometres of fibre and installing 50,000 new cabinets
BT: Connecting up the UK 2.5bn investment to bring superfast broadband to two-thirds of UK premises by end of 2014 Public-private partnerships could extend fibre broadband to more than 90% of UK premises – BT is willing to commit substantial additional funds to achieve this Slow spots could fall to as little as 2% of premises. BT is trialling alternative solutions to reduce this even further White spaces wireless and satellite trials on the Isle of Bute and in Cornwall At the same time: ADSL2+ ‘up to 20Mbps’ broadband to reach 90% of UK premises next Spring 1080 Ethernet nodes and growing 3.5m Wi-Fi hotspots and growing At the same time: ADSL2+ ‘up to 20Mbps’ broadband to reach 90% of UK premises next Spring 1080 Ethernet nodes and growing 3.5m Wi-Fi hotspots and growing
10 Delivering world class connections Superfast: Doubling the download and upload speeds on FTTC to approx 80Mbps and 20Mbps respectively – from Spring 2012 Ultra-fast: Up to 300Mbps FTTP download speeds available from Spring 2012 “FTTP on Demand” – ultra-fast speeds available to anyone in our fibre footprint from Spring ideal for small businesses Superfast: Doubling the download and upload speeds on FTTC to approx 80Mbps and 20Mbps respectively – from Spring 2012 Ultra-fast: Up to 300Mbps FTTP download speeds available from Spring 2012 “FTTP on Demand” – ultra-fast speeds available to anyone in our fibre footprint from Spring ideal for small businesses Speeds rocketing Ethernet – the ultimate business solution 1080 nodes across the UK and growing Choose speeds between 10Mbps and 10Gbps Guaranteed speed, dedicated line Fraction of cost of traditional private networks Easily expanded to enable growth Helps public sector organisations run more efficient networks, saving money and protecting public services
Sustainable solutions are key Experience A future-proof, sustainable network is key Experience A future-proof, sustainable network is key Stability A willingness to invest and financial stability are crucial private sector partner credentials Stability A willingness to invest and financial stability are crucial private sector partner credentials Open, Competition Ready Giving customers choice on products, applications and service Open, Competition Ready Giving customers choice on products, applications and service Demand Stimulation Vital to engage citizens, businesses and other stakeholders on the benefits Demand Stimulation Vital to engage citizens, businesses and other stakeholders on the benefits
Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly “To enable Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly to become the best connected rural location in the world” NGB to 100% of county, 80-90% fibre 10k businesses on new connections 4k jobs created, 2k safeguarded BY 2014 34 exchanges live 241 cabinets live Available to 65k premises (90k by March 2012) 3.9k customers connected 16 CPs connected St Austell FTTP trial complete Home to FTTP on demand trials Joint, shared programmes delivering the vision Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly TODAY
Northern Ireland: mission accomplished!
Driving demand to stimulate local economies Drive high take up and economic and social returns Working with local authorities across the UK, like Tendring… Tendring District Council: White label marketing and PR campaign run by Tendring District Council in partnership with Openreach Driving demand for superfast broadband services across the district Joint branded flyers to local households and businesses in live exchange areas, cabinet branding to follow The arrival of superfast broadband in Tendring is a massive boost for local households and businesses alike. By working closely with Openreach we’re ensuring that Tendring is making the most of BT’s investment and creating the right environment for future investment. Cllr Neil Stock, Leader, Tendring District Council “ ”
More than just infrastructure Digital inclusion –Working with citizens online to help disadvantaged people in communities across the UK –Dedicated project coordinators mobilising activity over a three year period –Supporting local communities through our community connections awards –Encouraging young people to pass on ICT skills through our internet rangers awards –Encouraging our people to volunteer to support digital inclusion activities, including Age UK itea&biscuits week Sustainability –Independent environmental board established in Cornwall –Project measuring the programme’s impact on Cornwall’s carbon footprint Research & Innovation –Working with universities, including University of Falmouth and Cornish businesses on projects to exploit the availability of superfast broadband
Summary Get involved Superfast broadband is a legacy for change Embrace it and it will deliver returns Realise its potential