Walking With God Lesson 6 Types of Prayers
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm SummaryIntroduction: What is Your Prayer Style? What kind of prayers do you usually partake? Is there variety and adventure? Eg. Seminar professor who moved from missions to prayer ministry Bottomline: ask yourself - am I growing in my prayer life? Think with me through these 7 common types of prayer…
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm Summary 1 Prayer before Sleeping - Psalms 55:17 Evening,and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. - Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep If I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take - Wonderful time to round up the day; don’t rob yourself of this precious moment Introduction
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm Summary 2. Prayer before Food - Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples - It is now an accepted and expected act of Christians - If eating with another Christian, use it as an opportunity to pray for each other also Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm Summary 3. Morning Prayer - Psalms 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. - This verse should be the first thought in our minds when we opened our eyes each day - Example: yesterday may not have been our best day; God is giving us another chance to live for Him Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping 2. Prayer before Food
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm Summary 4. All-night Prayer - Luke 6:12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. - Are your burdened? Is there a loved one struggling? Take it to the Lord in prayer! - Advantages: Conducive – quiet Effective - able to focus Best thing you can do for all Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping 2. Prayer before Food 3. Morning Prayer
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm Summary 5. Prayer Walk - Joshua 6:3-4 And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. - Neigbourhood, office, recreation - By yourself or with another Christian - Purpose eg. Sin, crime rate, hostility etc - Ultimate goal: salvation Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping 2. Prayer before Food 3. Morning Prayer 4. All-night Prayer
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm Summary 6. Memorize the Word: - Matthew 4:2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. - Example of Moses, Elijah etc - Some issues cannot be done overnight – eg. Persistent widow - 7 days, 40 days, 7 weeks…. Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping 2. Prayer before Food 3. Morning Prayer 4. All-night Prayer 5. Prayer Walk 6. Seasons of Prayer
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm Summary 7. Unceasing Prayer - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing - Example: used to wonder how is it possible to pray all the time - Prayer at the tip of your tongue - Always online. Eg. Chat on computers Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping 2. Prayer before Food 3. Morning Prayer 4. All-night Prayer 5. Prayer Walk 6. Seasons of Prayer
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm SummaryConclusion: 1. Which one of these 7 prayers have you participate in? Share your experiences. 2. Which one would you like to do more of? Explain. 3. Fasting has often been linked with intense prayer for effective results (Matthew 17:21). Search the Bible for more references. Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping 2. Prayer before Food 3. Morning Prayer 4. All-night Prayer 5. Prayer Walk 6. Seasons of Prayer 7. Unceasing Prayer
11am How to Call 11:15am Discussion 12pm SummaryApplication: Nothing in this world is as powerful as prayer. If you have not done so, start today to keep a journal of your prayer activties. Review it often to see how God is working in your walk with Him. Compare this statement “the least I could do is to pray” with 1 Samuel 12:23 Make a list of people you can pray for or use a ready list like a church directory Introduction 1. Prayer before Sleeping 2. Prayer before Food 3. Morning Prayer 4. All-night Prayer 5. Prayer Walk 6. Seasons of Prayer 7. Unceasing Prayer