Scholars Academy and IB Diploma Program Miami Beach Senior High Your Home at Miami Beach Senior High Mr. David Guthrie Lead Teacher, Scholars Academy Mr. Carlos Rodriguez IB Coordinator
MBSH Since 2007 Raised school performance grade to an A school US News top ranked MDCPS non-charter/magnet public HS More than doubled AP participation from 625 to 1585 An IB World School 85% of IB students have received IB Diploma Implemented seven career and college prep academies Completely remodeled/new facility
MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH IS A COMPREHENSIVE, PUBLIC SCHOOL THAT SERVES 2500 STUDENTS Historically, several academies provided specialized instruction to smaller groups of students prior to 2008: Scholars Academy Academy of Hospitality and Tourism Academy of Information Technology Research shows that students perform better in smaller learning communities. The existing academies have been extremely popular institutions at Beach High. In 2008-2009, new academies were established within three “schools within our school.”
THE NEW BEACH HIGH: SCHOOLS WITHIN A SCHOOL 2008-2009 School of Liberal Arts School of Technical Arts School of Creative Arts Academy of Marine and Environmental Science (AMES) Scholars Academy Academy of Hospitality and Tourism Academy of Education and Training Academy of Information Technology Academy of Visual and Performing Arts Academy of Communications and Digital Media Other Programs AVID Program Naval JROTC Program IB Program
BENEFITS TO AN “ALL ACADEMY MODEL” AT MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH Personalized Learning Environments Academic Engagement of All Students Empowered Educators All youth ready for college, careers, and active civic participation. Engaged Community and Youth Accountable Leaders Integrated System of High Standards, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments, and Support
Feedback on Academic Rigor from Youth Truth Advisory Survey Most of my teachers apply themselves with an enthusiasm about their subject which is contagious, and this really helps me as a student to gain interest and do well in the subject they teach.” “In my school they provide us with AP classes which are college level courses which prepare me for college. And because of this I feel like I'm already a college student and not in high school.” “Having more challenging classes will help me challenge myself in the future and help me understand what I'm against in a career.”
IS THE SCHOLARS ACADEMY RIGHT FOR YOU? Students begin college level, Advanced Placement (AP) coursework in grade 9 with options increasing each year. Students may apply for the IB Diploma Program for grades 11-12, or continue with AP and advanced classes. Students must maintain an “unweighted” GPA of 3.0 in the academic core courses of Mathematics, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES AND EXAMS The core curriculum of the Scholars Academy includes Honors and Advanced Placement courses and exams. AP courses are high school classes that can count for introductory college coursework when students pass an AP exam. AP exams are scored on a scale of 1-5 by The College Board. Scores of 3 or higher are considered passing, but many universities require scores of 4 or 5 to earn college credit. AP syllabi must be approved by The College Board, ensuring that AP courses are taught at the same high level nationwide.
Miami Beach Senior High has increased access to its Advanced Placement curriculum, while maintaining a pass rate above the Miami-Dade County Public Schools average.
Students may apply for the IB Diploma Program during the sophomore year. The IB Diploma is based on taking a series of advanced classes in 6 subject areas with both internal and external tests and assessments. Most classes are two years in length. Students also complete requirements by writing an extended essay, doing community service projects, and completing TOK class. The program highlights development of a well-rounded individual with an “international minded” outlook. The IB Diploma curriculum is highly respected and honored by universities throughout the world. Additional information is available at
Programmes : What is the Learner Profile Programmes : What is the Learner Profile? It’s the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. IB learners strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective The attributes of the learner profile express the values inherent to the IB continuum of international education: these are values that should infuse all elements of the three programmes and, therefore, the culture and ethos of all IB World Schools. IB programmes promote the education of the whole person, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth through all domains of knowledge. 12
Students study concurrently: Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? The curriculum contains six subject groups and a core of three parts. Students study concurrently: three subjects at higher level (240 hours each). three subjects at standard level (150 hours each). all three parts of the core. The IB Learner Profile and the core are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? There are three core requirements The extended essay: 4,000 words Offers the opportunity to investigate a research question of individual interest Familiarises students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? Creativity, action and service (CAS): Encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service Education outside the classroom Development of the learner profile
Contents: What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain? Theory of knowledge: Interdisciplinary Explores the nature of knowledge across disciplines Encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives
Services: What is special about IB assessment Services: What is special about IB assessment? IB assessment is rigorous, criterion related, consistent and differentiating of student ability. Diploma Programme assessment includes both final examinations and internal assessment undertaken by the teacher to IB criteria and then externally moderated by the IB. All 4,000 examiners are ‘quality checked’ through a process of moderation. The IB undertakes random inspections of schools during exams. Results are published on 5 July for May session and 5 January for the November session. The diploma is graded over 45 points giving ample scope to differentiate student ability Marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). Diploma is awarded to students who gain at least 24 points. The overall diploma pass rate is broadly consistent year on year Diploma Programme assessment – principles and practice – available on
University recognition: How well is the diploma recognized by universities? The IB diploma is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. The IB works closely with universities in all regions of the world to gain recognition for the IB diploma: Direct online access for university admissions officers and government officials to syllabuses and recent examination papers A database of university admission policies on Recognition in over 100 countries Recognition by over 2,000 universities Some universities offer scholarships and advanced placement for IB students Students applying to a particular university can access their grades directly from the IB’s secure web site.
SCHOLARS ACADEMY students perform at the top of their class at Miami Beach Senior High, and are competitive nationally for college recruitment
Scholars Academy graduates have been accepted at: Yale, U Penn, Harvard, USC, Emory, U Chicago, Princeton, Georgetown, Dartmouth, Cornell, Duke, MIT, UC Berkeley, Purdue, Beloit, Fordham, Georgia Tech, Swarthmore, Wisconsin, New College, U Florida, Smith, NYU, Santa Clara, FIU, Tulane, Hampshire, Bucknell, Boston College, Lehigh, Hampton, FSU, Johns Hopkins, Wash U, U Miami, U Michigan, USF, Loyola NO, Drexel, Hartford, St. John’s, Suffolk, U Texas, George Washington, Barry, MDC Honors College, Pratt Institute, NC State, Bowling Green State, Boston University, and many more
SCHOLARS ACADEMY ADMISSIONS AND RETENTION: The Scholars Academy has grown to accept approximately 150 incoming 9th grade students. Students must have completed Honors Algebra 1 and Physical Science prior to 9th grade. Once students matriculate into the program, they are required to maintain an unweighted GPA of 3.0 in the academic core courses of Mathematics, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies. Students whose GPAs fall below the minimum standards are placed on Academic Probation, and are expected to meet minimum standards by the end of one year or exit the program. A small number of students exit each year because of family moves or poor academic performance, opening up spaces for determined sophomores and juniors.
How can I get an application? Apply online at the school website at: and click on the academies banner and follow the links to Scholars Academy and IB Program. We have tours throughout the semester. If you attend private school please mail your transcripts from 6th-8th grades to: Miami Beach Senior High Scholars Academy Attn: David Guthrie 2231 Prairie Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-532-4515-ext2708