Coding dojo PocketMobile Johannes Brodwall, Chief scientist Exilesoft
1.What is a dojo? 2.Ping-pong demo 3.First kata 4.First kata, repeat 5.Second kata 6.Wrap-up
«Coding dojo»?
Programmers Practice People
Programmers Practice People
«Deliberate practice is your highway to becoming an expert.»
«Slowing down is really the key to get any skill under your belt.»
«In order to master any move or action you need to make a lot of repetitions.»
Reflect on different approaches
Programmers Practice Slow down Repeat Reflect People
Programmers Practice People Make friends Work together Have fun
Failing test Write code Failing test Write code Failing test
Write code Failing test Write code Failing test Refactor code and tests
Failing test Write code Failing test Write code Failing test
Write code Failing test Write code Failing test Refactor code and tests
Kata: Leap years
Dojo format:
1.Select kata 2.Plan approach 3.Work 4.Reflect 5.Repeat
Kata: Prime factors 1 => [] 2 => [2] 3 => [3] 4 => [2,2] … 2*2*13*17*23*23 => [2,2,13,17,23,23]
Which tests?
How long do we need?
What surprised you? What do you want to achieve next round? What did you learn?
Kata: Prime factors 1 => [] 2 => [2] 3 => [3] 4 => [2,2] … 2*2*13*17*23*23 => [2,2,13,17,23,23]
What surprised you? What do you want to achieve next round? What did you learn?
Kata: Romans 1 => I 5 => V 1999 => MCMXCIX
Which tests?
What surprised you? What do you want to achieve next round? What did you learn?
What surprised you? What will you do next? What did you learn?
Deliberate practice will make you a master developer!
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